hfnet_ros copied to clipboard
A cpp or ROS Warpper of HF-NET inference part (https://github.com/ethz-asl/hfnet)
A Cpp Version of HF-NET
9ms in GeForce GTX 2080 Ti
15-20ms in GeForce GTX 1660s 6G
Since the origin HF-NET based on Python3, May be it is a little difficult integrate the code with your Cpp projects(some SLAM system). To run the hfnet_ros
package, you need install the tensorflow from the source. For convience, you can using the docker image here to run this package.
This package allows to:
- Extract feature detectors and descriptors on standard image sequence
- Integrate other slam system which written in cpp.
- Combine the origin hloc-cpp back-end and make a full cpp projects.
- It takes 15-20ms in GeForce GTX 1660s 6G.
- python 2.7
- Ubuntu 16.04
- ROS Kinetic
- CUDA = 9.0
- Cudnn = 7.0
- Tensorflow cpp gpu == 1.12 (you need build and install tf1.12 from source, and copy the libs to /usr/local/lib)
- opencv > 3.0
Build tensorflow from source is annoying, So if you wanna test the code , you can using docker image.
sudo docker pull xinliangzhong/1604-tf1.2cc-cuda9.0-cudnn7.0-ros:latest
sudo docker run --gpus all --name="hfnet-ros" --net=host -it -v /YOUR/PATH:/root/data xinliangzhong/1604-tf1.2cc-cuda9.0-cudnn7.0-ros:latest /bin/bash
How to run
cd /root/data
mkdir -p catkin_ws/src
cd catkin_ws/src
git clone https://github.com/TurtleZhong/hfnet_ros.git
# fetch model
cd hfnet_ros/model/
chmod +x download.sh
catkin_make -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cd /root/data/catkin_ws/
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch hfnet_ros hfnet_ros_node.launch
Then you will get this in terminal.
detected: 817 pts
IMAGE[480 x 752] cost: 18 ms
The results image is publish as ros msg. if your start docker container using --net=host
, you can using rqt to view the results.