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Support imports from root

Open joegaudet opened this issue 7 years ago • 1 comments

So with the release of 2017.1 we've got some auto import management in intellij.

It would be awesome if you could some how intercept the pathing that it generates, and instead of it using relative paths, use absolute paths from root.


import {Time} from '../../../transforms/time';

Would rather

import {Time} from '<my-project>/transforms/time';

Not sure if this is a thing you could do or not, but would be rad :)

joegaudet avatar Mar 28 '17 18:03 joegaudet

I did something similar in #103 to resolve module paths with the app root prefix. I wonder if JSModuleReferenceContributor is in play when IntelliJ searches for exports.

dwickern avatar Mar 29 '17 04:03 dwickern