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Quick Navigation To Util Tests Does Not Work

Open nadnoslen opened this issue 7 years ago • 7 comments

It doesn't appear that this plugin respects utils in the same way that it respects other elements of EmberJS.

My app/utils/ classes are hard to find using CMD-O class search. In addition to that, I cannot quick-navigate (CMD-SHIFT-T) back and forth between a util class and its test. I'm sure there are other symptoms of utility classes not working as expected; those are the two I bump into the most often.

nadnoslen avatar Jan 14 '17 01:01 nadnoslen

You're right, we don't index the modules in /app/utils. Utils should be included in the search since it's an official module type:

We will need define UTIL in EmberFileType and I think increment the version in EmberNameIndex

dwickern avatar Jan 14 '17 02:01 dwickern

@dwickern the "issue" is that utils are usually not used through the container, so something like util:foo-bar doesn't make much sense. it appears that my initial thought of modeling these things after the container references wasn't such a great idea after all...

Turbo87 avatar Jan 14 '17 19:01 Turbo87

They're not much different from mixins yet you appear to be indexing those?

nadnoslen avatar Jan 14 '17 20:01 nadnoslen

I'd like to take a shoot at this one, as it seems pretty easy and I'm a beginner, however, I dont understand what the version incrementation is for. Could anyone help me understand why it is needed ?

SBlanc42 avatar Jun 03 '18 08:06 SBlanc42

@SBlanc42 I'm not sure what you mean by "version incrementation" :thinking:

Turbo87 avatar Jun 03 '18 09:06 Turbo87

@dwickern suggested that it would be needed to increment EmberNameIndex

SBlanc42 avatar Jun 03 '18 09:06 SBlanc42

You increment the version to force IntelliJ to rebuild the index

dwickern avatar Jun 03 '18 16:06 dwickern