MasterKeyDualFix copied to clipboard
Xposed patch for android bugs 8219321 and 9695860
Master Key multi-fix by Tungstwenty
Fixes a few vulnerabilities that exist on the APK parsing code that allow signed files to be tampered with. One of these (bug 8219321) is known as the "Master Key" vulnerability, and can be found in several places including this one: Another one (bug 9695860) is also related with Zip (or APK) files parsing and although it's been fixed by Google on the codebase (, it's likely to take even longer to reach the stock roms (if ever). After the initial disclosure and release of these fixes, additional flaws of a similar nature were found on the same Zip routines by several different folks independently, including myself, and only made public and fixed during the release of Android 4.4 source code. The most relevant of those is bug 9950697. These are also addressed by this module.
Follow this thread for additional info:
This project uses:
- Xposed framework, by rovo89
- Original code snippets from AOSP
- Icons generated with Android Asset Studio: