Active-Directory-Object-Picker copied to clipboard
The standard Active Directory object picker dialog for .NET
Active Directory Object Picker
The standard Active Directory object picker dialog for .NET
This project is based on a Active Directory Common Dialogs .NET (ADUI) created in 2004 by Armand du Plessis. It has been updated and make it working with 64 bit Windows Editions. Now it works in all .Net framework versions, including version 2.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5 and .NET Core.
How to use it
You can install the latest version using NuGet
Install-Package Tulpep.ActiveDirectoryObjectPicker
And use it this way:
DirectoryObjectPickerDialog picker = new DirectoryObjectPickerDialog()
AllowedObjectTypes = ObjectTypes.Users | ObjectTypes.Groups | ObjectTypes.Computers,
DefaultObjectTypes = ObjectTypes.Computers,
AllowedLocations = Locations.All,
DefaultLocations = Locations.JoinedDomain,
MultiSelect = true,
ShowAdvancedView = true
using (picker)
if (picker.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
foreach (var sel in picker.SelectedObjects)
This repository contains a Visual Studio Test Project if you want a working example.