Steam-Login-MyBB-1.8 copied to clipboard
Cannot change e-mail notifications of own account
Dragged over from , it's currently not possible to change your e-mail address. When attempting to, the user will get the message This feature has been disabled on your account.
This prevents users from properly configuring e-mail notifications.
in steamlogin.php put a # in front of this so find this $plugins->add_hook("usercp_email", "steam_account_linked"); $plugins->add_hook("usercp_email", "steam_account_linked");
and change to this
#$plugins->add_hook("usercp_email", "steam_account_linked"); #$plugins->add_hook("usercp_email", "steam_account_linked");
i also have a plugin to force email changes due to running few steam servers and it connects to my forums. with steam signatures and play time on my servers
Emails can be changed now, although it requires the user to give a current password; something they don't have when logging in via Steam. Is that what the force email change plugin is for, ~~or would I go about commenting out steamlogin.php 's $plugins->add_hook("usercp_password", "steam_account_linked");
Edit: Commenting out the password hook doesn't work; it just allows an user to change their password, but the user will have to use a current password for it.
Ties in with #15
~~Password check on email should be disabled as this doesn't actually effect security as much as in default mybb.~~
Edit: Nvm seems better to have user create a password on first login as this should also solve several other problems and may allow possibility to log in during steam downtime in the future. #29