If I had a site to test that, I would... OK, it's as you say, Embeds will not work with it...
As is, the script sometimes breaks clips creation (causes the clip creation page's player to refresh, and in turn the trimmer doesn't work as intended and only the initial trim...
VAFT is definitely dead. Video Swap New still works, but you need to switch the player type from "autoplay" to "embed", and even then it'll start using source quality during...
I think it already does for userscript if there's a version mismatch?
Same, the thumbnails for those are currently unnecessarily MASSIVE and makes checking subscriptions a real pain.
in addition, add an option to allow margin ads through, but not the full screen ads.
> > allow margin ads through > > How about no? how about you read for once? > in addition, add **an option** to allow margin ads through, but not...
Basically... There's the "Open" windows used in numerous applications and emulators, like mGBA, right? In the OG HashTab, I can just open a file's Properties from the "Open" window, and...
I see. Well, please inform me once this aspect is patched, I seek to favor the use of OpenHashTab over alternatives.
Understandable, but perhaps there's a better way to get that revenue? I would wonder... The only reason I do not donate or anything is because my financial situation is on...