(I am not sure if this bug report really belongs here or in Qiskit Experiments)
Thanks @coruscating ! Adding the provider argument raised an error for some reason, but the `get_service_from_backend(backend)` did the trick.
There are several known issues where pulses sampled on the frontend (Qiskit) and pulses sampled on IBM backends don't exactly match. This will probably be fixed in the next release...
At the very end of the process, your pulse has to be converted into a set of samples. If you send a backend supported `SymbolicPulse` this conversion happens on the...
I might have misunderstood, did you use a DRAG pulse without converting it into a `Waveform`?
Well, that's a different story then. I'll have to take a closer look.
I ran a version of your code (adding the symbolic Drag pulse circuit, and swapping in the `Sampler` instead of `backend.run`) and the results I got were consistent with the...
> Did you add a custom gate or change the sx's calibration? Because if you did the latter then the sampler may have ignored the new calibration I used the...
This was the conclusion of [Qiskit 11406](https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit/pull/11406): > Following some discussions, it was decided to leave Qiskit's pulses as is. We expect IBM backends to change their pulse definitions such...