Contagio icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Contagio copied to clipboard

Botnet written in pure Go


C++ closed version:

Contagio is a botnet written in go. This is a beta version so there may be bugs. Read the FAQ and documentation before creating an issue. Don't believe the Ukrainian propaganda 🤍💙❤️

Supported systems


  • Bot written in pure go without any dependencies (native)
  • Tor support
  • All data between bot and server is encrypted
  • You can run in docker container
  • Customisation without programming knowledge

Supported systems

Os Status

Linux distributions

Distro Status

system information can be found in the photos in the assets folder


Contagio has its own installer.

 wget -O
 bash -[args]

 Example: bash -default


clean installs contagio without preinstalled configurations and themes.
default installs contagio with preinstalled configurations and themes.
source ~/.bashrc
go install
cd Contagio
go mod init contagio
go mod tidy

then follow the steps from setup.txt
Setup guide soon...



Name Type Description
ImportTheme String Imports a theme. Read more about customising here.
CncServer String IP:PORT. You must specify a public IP. To get a public IP, enter curl
RootLogin String Login that has access to admin commands (addip, adduser, etc).
RELEASE_MODE Bool Hides logs (new bot connected, bin sent, etc).
TelegramBotToken String Telegram bot token.
TelegramChatId String Your telegram id/chat id. Get Id.
SaveLogsInFile Bool Save the logs in a file?
SendLogsInTelegram Bool Send logs via Telegram bot to a channel or private messages?
PrintLogsInTerminal Bool Print logs in the terminal?
NewClientConnectedLog Bool Enable logging for a new connection to the cnc.
NewClientConnectedFileName String File name for logs of new connections.
NewAttackStartedFileName String File name for logs of new attacks.
AllowAllIps Bool Allow All IP Addresses? If AllowAllIps=false, then only IP addresses added via the addip command will be able to connect to the cnc.

Custom modules

Custom modules can only be used in the Title. Your result from echo will be displayed in the Title. Custom modules consist of:

Exec = "command to execute"
ExecEnv = "env"
ExecDir = "directory where the command is executed"

Only Exec is required to be specified. If ExecDir is not specified, it will be executed from the directory where the CNC is launched.


You can use an empty theme, or you can use an existing theme. You can also use colors.

Name Type Variables Description
NewClientConnectedTerminal String {ip} {login} {port} {date} The log format in the terminal for a new connection.
NewClientConnectedTelegram String {ip} {login} {port} {date} The log format in Telegram for a new connection (You can use markdown).
NewClientConnectedFile String {ip} {login} {port} {date} The log format in a file for a new connection.
NewAttackStartedTerminal String {ip} {login} {port} {date} {target} {target_port} {duration} {method} The log format in the terminal for a new attack.
NewAttackStartedTelegram String {ip} {login} {port} {date} {target} {target_port} {duration} {method} The log format in Telegram for a new attack.
NewAttackStartedFile String {ip} {login} {port} {date} {target} {target_port} {duration} {method} The log format in a file for a new attack.
CmdPrompt String {login} CNC command prompt.
Banner String (Array) Null Banner.
HelpCommand String {command} {description} Help command output format.
MethodsCommand String {name} {description} Methods command output format.
CustomMethodsEnabled Bool Null Enable custom methods?
CustomMethods String (Array) Null Custom methods (enabled when CustomMethodsEnabled=true).
CustomHelpEnabled Bool Null Enable custom help?
CustomHelp String (Array) Null Custom help (enabled when CustomHelpEnabled=true).
BotCount String {total} {bots} Bots command output format.
NoBotsConnectedError String Null Error message when executing the "bots" command but no bots are available.
CommandSent String {bots} {id} Output when the attack is successfully sent.
UnknownCommandError String Null Error message when the command is unknown.
InvalidCommandSyntaxError String {syntax} {example} Error message when the command (ddos method) has incorrect syntax.
NoActiveAttacksError String Null Error message when there are no active attacks (running command).
AttackIdNotFoundError String Null Error message when attack ID is not found (kill command).
CommandExecuted String Null Result when the command is successfully executed.
CommandInvalidSyntax String {syntax} {example} Error message when the command has incorrect syntax.
Title String {login} {cpu} {memory} {animation} {bots} CNC title.
LoginPrompt String Null Login prompt.
PasswordPrompt String Null Password prompt.
AuthError String Null Error message when the password or login is incorrect.
CaptchaPrompt String {code} Captcha prompt.
CaptchaError String Null Error message when the captcha is entered incorrectly.
IpIsNotAllowedError String Null Error message when the IP is not allowed.


In Contagio, there are built-in colors available, and you can also create your own.
Colors should be written within curly braces. For example,

CncPrompt = "{red}Hello{white} World: "
  • {black}
  • {red}
  • {green}
  • {yellow}
  • {blue}
  • {magenta}
  • {cyan}
  • {reset}
  • {rainbow(text)}

To create your own color, you need to use ANSI colors. For example:

{custom(fg=ansi_code bg=ansi_code fgstyle=ansi_code)}


Q: When I connect to the CNC via PuTTY, the banner and other elements are displayed incorrectly.

A: Try adding \r at the end of the line. For example

PasswordPrompt = "Enter password: \r"

If that doesn't work, create an issue

Q: How do I get a telegram bot token

A: Send /newbot to the @BotFather bot, then answer his questions and copy the token (Token example: 1234545:DDDDD__ASDADAHUQHHHI34I29I).

Q: My bots are not connecting


  • Most likely, you have a preconfigured setup. Please watch my video (backup) and repeat all the steps. Compare the config.toml -> BotServer with the IP and port specified in the bot's config.
  • If it's a public exploit, these bots are probably already locked.
  • Check the quality of the bots, most likely they can't open binary files.


Ton EQAmUr0NqEz6nnfUc2GeeGbUhOmd7Wh1zvIVQWWdj_MN6wlY
Litecoin LMtj3jCFjgvDSCP1jqoE5AdbSbSevVxRJg
Monero 429o1bxqyhs83hozpwbEZJitPcX8W73Nz86YRvyiWFkHAfnMk2ZA1VjeNnduKLKcFw45U2VAsQTFs7S5Ac1E16roKhnP777