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Dependency Dashboard
This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the Dependency Dashboard docs to learn more.
[!WARNING] These dependencies are deprecated:
Datasource | Name | Replacement PR? |
npm | @babel/plugin-proposal-private-property-in-object |
npm | @vitest/coverage-c8 |
Pending Approval
These branches will be created by Renovate only once you click their checkbox below.
- [ ] Update dependency @etchteam/storybook-addon-status to v5
- [ ] Update dependency concurrently to v9
- [ ] Update dependency jsdom to v25
- [ ] Update dependency juice to v11
- [ ] Update dependency marked to v14
- [ ] Update dependency y-websocket to v2
- [ ] 🔐 Create all pending approval PRs at once 🔐
Other Branches
These updates are pending. To force PRs open, click the checkbox below.
- [ ] Update Test & linting packages (
) - [ ] Update dependency @sentry/vite-plugin to v2.22.4
- [ ] Update dependency husky to v9.1.6
- [ ] Update dependency jsdom to v24.1.3
- [ ] Update dependency lint-staged to v15.2.10
- [ ] Update dependency postcss to v8.4.47
- [ ] Update dependency react-router-dom to v6.26.2
- [ ] Update dependency tailwindcss to v3.4.13
- [ ] Update dependency yjs to ^13.6.15
- [ ] Update babel monorepo (
) - [ ] Update dependency @codemirror/lang-css to v6.3.0
- [ ] Update dependency babel-loader to v9.2.1
- [ ] Update dependency rollup to v4.22.4
- [ ] Update dependency typescript to v5.6.2
- [ ] Update Vite packages (major) (
) - [ ] Update storybook monorepo to v8 (major) (
These updates have all been created already. Click a checkbox below to force a retry/rebase of any.
- [ ] Pin dependencies (
) - [ ] Pin dependencies (
) - [ ] Update dependency codemirror to v5.65.18
- [ ] Update dependency @playwright/test to ^1.41.0
- [ ] Update lexical to v0.17.1 (
) - [ ] Update Test & linting packages (major) (
) - [ ] Update vitest to v2 (major) (
) - [ ] Lock file maintenance
- [ ] Click on this checkbox to rebase all open PRs at once
Ignored or Blocked
These are blocked by an existing closed PR and will not be recreated unless you click a checkbox below.
- [ ] Update dependency @prettier/sync to ^0.5.0
- [ ] Update dependency marked to v0.8.2
- [ ] Update dependency codemirror to v6
- [ ] Update dependency node to v20
Detected dependencies
actions/checkout v4@692973e3d937129bcbf40652eb9f2f61becf3332
ahmadnassri/action-workflow-run-wait v1
actions/setup-node v4
actions/upload-artifact v4
actions/download-artifact v4
peaceiris/actions-gh-pages v4
actions/checkout v4@692973e3d937129bcbf40652eb9f2f61becf3332
actions/setup-node v4
actions/cache v4
actions/upload-artifact v4
eslint 8.57.0
eslint-plugin-ghost 3.4.0
husky 9.1.4
lerna 8.1.8
lint-staged 15.2.9
jsdom ^24.1.0
c8 9.1.0
mocha 10.7.3
should 13.2.3
sinon 17.0.1
c8 9.1.0
mocha 10.7.3
should 13.2.3
simple-dom 1.4.0
sinon 17.0.1
node ^18.12.1 || ^20.11.1
@babel/core 7.25.2
@babel/preset-env 7.25.3
@rollup/plugin-babel 6.0.4
c8 9.1.0
jsdom 24.1.1
mocha 10.7.3
rollup 4.21.0
should 13.2.3
sinon 17.0.1
node ^18.12.1 || ^20.11.1
lodash ^4.17.21
@rollup/plugin-babel 6.0.4
c8 9.1.0
mocha 10.7.3
rollup 4.21.0
sinon 17.0.1
c8 9.1.0
simple-dom 1.4.0
node ^18.12.1 || ^20.11.1
@tryghost/string 0.2.12
@tryghost/url-utils 4.4.8
handlebars ^4.7.6
juice ^10.0.0
lodash ^4.17.21
luxon ^3.5.0
c8 9.1.0
mocha 10.7.3
should 13.2.3
simple-dom 1.4.0
sinon 17.0.1
node ^18.12.1 || ^20.11.1
@lexical/clipboard 0.13.1
@lexical/rich-text 0.13.1
@lexical/selection 0.13.1
@lexical/utils 0.13.1
html-minifier ^4.0.0
jsdom ^24.1.0
lexical 0.13.1
lodash ^4.17.21
luxon ^3.5.0
@babel/eslint-parser 7.25.1
@babel/plugin-syntax-import-assertions ^7.24.1
@lexical/headless 0.13.1
@lexical/html 0.13.1
@prettier/sync ^0.3.0
@rollup/plugin-babel 6.0.4
c8 9.1.0
html-minifier ^4.0.0
mocha 10.7.3
prettier 3.3.3
rollup 4.21.0
rollup-plugin-svg 2.0.0
should 13.2.3
sinon 17.0.1
@lexical/list 0.13.1
@lexical/rich-text 0.13.1
@lexical/utils 0.13.1
lexical 0.13.1
@lexical/headless 0.13.1
@lexical/link 0.13.1
c8 9.1.0
mocha 10.7.3
sinon 17.0.1
ts-node 10.9.2
typescript 5.5.4
@lexical/clipboard 0.13.1
@lexical/headless 0.13.1
@lexical/html 0.13.1
@lexical/link 0.13.1
@lexical/list 0.13.1
@lexical/rich-text 0.13.1
jsdom ^24.1.0
lexical 0.13.1
@types/jsdom ^21.1.2
@types/mocha 10.0.7
c8 9.1.0
mocha 10.7.3
sinon 17.0.1
ts-node 10.9.2
typescript 5.5.4
@lexical/clipboard 0.13.1
@lexical/code 0.13.1
@lexical/headless 0.13.1
@lexical/link 0.13.1
@lexical/list 0.13.1
@lexical/rich-text 0.13.1
jsdom ^24.1.0
lexical 0.13.1
c8 9.1.0
jsdom ^24.1.0
mocha 10.7.3
prettier 3.3.3
should 13.2.3
sinon 17.0.1
markdown-it ^14.0.0
markdown-it-footnote ^4.0.0
markdown-it-image-lazy-loading ^2.0.0
markdown-it-lazy-headers ^0.1.3
markdown-it-mark ^4.0.0
markdown-it-sub ^2.0.0
markdown-it-sup ^2.0.0
semver ^7.6.2
c8 9.1.0
mocha 10.7.3
should 13.2.3
sinon 17.0.1
node ^18.12.1 || ^20.11.1
mobiledoc-dom-renderer ^0.7.0
simple-dom ^1.4.0
c8 9.1.0
node ^18.12.1 || ^20.11.1
@babel/core 7.25.2
@babel/preset-env 7.25.3
@rollup/plugin-babel 6.0.4
c8 9.1.0
jsdom 24.1.1
mocha 10.7.3
rollup 4.21.0
should 13.2.3
sinon 17.0.1
node ^18.12.1 || ^20.11.1
codemirror 5.65.17
codemirror-spell-checker 1.1.2
marked 0.3.19
browserify 17.0.0
debug *
eslint 8.57.0
gulp *
gulp-clean-css 4.3.0
gulp-concat *
gulp-debug *
gulp-eslint 6.0.0
gulp-header *
gulp-jsbeautifier *
gulp-rename *
gulp-uglify 3.0.2
vinyl-buffer *
vinyl-source-stream *
@playwright/test ^1.33.0
@types/react ^18.2.0
@types/react-dom ^18.2.0
@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin 7.18.0
@typescript-eslint/parser 7.18.0
@vitejs/plugin-react 4.3.1
@vitest/coverage-v8 1.6.0
autoprefixer 10.4.20
concurrently 8.2.2
eslint 8.57.0
eslint-plugin-react-hooks 4.6.2
eslint-plugin-react-refresh 0.4.11
eslint-plugin-tailwindcss 3.17.4
jsdom 24.1.1
postcss 8.4.41
postcss-import 16.1.0
tailwindcss 3.4.10
typescript 5.5.4
vite 5.2.11
vite-plugin-css-injected-by-js 3.5.1
vite-plugin-dts 3.9.1
vite-plugin-svgr 4.2.0
vitest 1.6.0
react ^18.2.0
react-dom ^18.2.0
semver ^7.6.2
c8 9.1.0
mocha 10.7.3
should 13.2.3
sinon 17.0.1
@babel/core 7.25.2
@babel/plugin-proposal-private-property-in-object ^7.21.11
@codemirror/lang-css 6.2.1
@codemirror/lang-html 6.4.9
@codemirror/lang-javascript 6.2.2
@emoji-mart/data ^1.1.2
@emoji-mart/react ^1.1.1
@etchteam/storybook-addon-status ^4.2.4
@lexical/clipboard 0.13.1
@lexical/list 0.13.1
@lexical/react 0.13.1
@lexical/selection 0.13.1
@lexical/text 0.13.1
@lexical/utils 0.13.1
@lezer/highlight ^1.2.0
@playwright/test ^1.33.0
@prettier/sync ^0.3.0
@sentry/vite-plugin 2.22.2
@storybook/addon-actions 7.6.20
@storybook/addon-essentials 7.6.20
@storybook/addon-interactions 7.6.20
@storybook/addon-links 7.6.20
@storybook/addon-mdx-gfm 7.6.20
@storybook/react 7.6.20
@storybook/react-vite 7.6.20
@storybook/test-runner ^0.19.0
@testing-library/dom 10.4.0
@testing-library/jest-dom 6.5.0
@testing-library/react 16.0.0
@tryghost/color-utils 0.2.2
@tryghost/helpers 1.1.90
@types/react ^18.2.0
@types/react-dom ^18.2.0
@uiw/react-codemirror ^4.23.0
@vitejs/plugin-react 4.3.1
@vitest/coverage-c8 0.33.0
@vitest/ui 1.6.0
autoprefixer 10.4.20
babel-loader 9.1.3
clsx ^2.0.0
codemirror ^6.0.1
concurrently ^8.0.0
cross-fetch ^4.0.0
dompurify ^3.1.4
dotenv ^16.3.2
emoji-mart ^5.5.2
eslint-config-react-app 7.0.1
eslint-plugin-jest 27.9.0
eslint-plugin-react 7.35.0
eslint-plugin-storybook 0.8.0
eslint-plugin-tailwindcss 3.17.4
eventemitter3 ^5.0.0
fast-average-color ^9.3.0
jsdom 24.1.1
lexical 0.13.1
luxon ^3.5.0
pluralize ^8.0.0
postcss 8.4.41
postcss-import 16.1.0
prettier 3.3.3
react ^18.2.0
react-colorful ^5.6.1
react-dom ^18.2.0
react-highlight ^0.15.0
react-router-dom 6.26.1
react-slider ^2.0.6
storybook ^7.6.19
stylelint 16.9.0
tailwindcss 3.4.10
typescript 5.5.4
vite 4.5.3
vite-plugin-svgr 4.2.0
vitest 1.6.0
y-websocket ^1.5.0
yjs ^13.5.50
node 8
- [ ] Check this box to trigger a request for Renovate to run again on this repository