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Simple component helpers to support LaunchDarkly in your React app.


Simple component helpers to support LaunchDarkly in your react app.

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npm install --save react-launch-darkly


  • React v16.3.0 or greater
    • If you use an older version of React, you can continue to use version 1.4.0 of this library. However, we will no longer be actively maintaining version 1.x.
  • LaunchDarkly client / launchdarkly-js-client-sdk
    • launchdarkly-js-client-sdk needs to be a dependency within the app using react-launch-darkly
    • supported versions of launchdarkly-js-client-sdk: ^2.0.0 (peer dependency)

Basic Usage

To setup the LaunchDarkly component wrapper, you'll probably want to include it in a top-level layout component:

// MasterLayout.js
import React, { Component } from "react";
import { LaunchDarkly } from "react-launch-darkly";

export default class MasterLayout extends Component {
  render () {
    return (
        <LaunchDarkly clientId={YOUR_LAUNCH_DARKLY_CLIENT_ID} user={{ key: "YOUR_USER_KEY" }}>

Then in your lower-level components, to make use of the FeatureFlag component:

// Home.js
import React, { Component } from "react";
import { FeatureFlag } from "react-launch-darkly";

export default class Home extends Component {
  render () {
    return (

  _renderFeature () {
    return (
      <div>Your new feature!</div>


LaunchDarkly component

Main component that initializes the LaunchDarkly js-client.


clientId : string (required)

This is the client id that is provided to you by LaunchDarkly.

user : object (required)

See the LaunchDarkly docs for more info.

clientOptions : object (optional)

Options that are passed to the LaunchDarkly JS client for additional configuration and features:

FeatureFlag component

Note that this component has to be rendered as a child of LaunchDarkly


flagKey : string (required)

The flagKey prop is the feature flag key you defined in LaunchDarkly.

renderFeatureCallback : function (required)

The main callback function that renders your feature. In typical scenarios where your flag is a boolean, you can simply create your function to return the necessary JSX:

// Example FeatureFlag component
<FeatureFlag flagKey="example" renderFeatureCallback={this._renderFeature} />

// Callback function
_renderFeature () {
  return (<div>New Feature Here!</div>);
Multivariate Flag Support

When using a multivariate feature flag, the renderFeatureCallback prop will pass the value of the flag as an argument to your callback function:

// Example FeatureFlag component
<FeatureFlag flagKey="multivariate-example" renderFeatureCallback={this._renderFeature} />

// Callback function with feature flag value passed in
_renderFeature (featureFlagValue) {
  if (featureFlagValue === "A") {
    return (<div>Bucket "A" Feature!</div>);

  return (<div>Default Bucket Feature Here!</div>);

initialRenderCallback : function (optional)

Since the feature flags are requested from LaunchDarkly after DOM load, there may be some latency in the rendering. This render callback allows you to provide some sort of feedback to indicate loading, e.g., the typical spinning loader.

renderDefaultCallback : function (optional)

This callback is provided for cases where you want to render something by default, think of it when your feature flag is "off" or falsy.

SSR Support

SSR is opt-in and you need to specify the initial set of feature flag keys and values through the bootstrap property on clientOptions:

// currentUser.featureFlags
// >> { "your-feature-flag": true }
const clientOptions = {
  bootstrap: currentUser.featureFlags

What this gives you is that on SSR, we use the set of feature flags found on bootstrap to render your FeatureFlag component. When your FeatureFlag component is mounted, it will then initialize the LaunchDarkly js-client and make the proper XHRs to LaunchDarkly to populate the available feature flags within js-client's internal state. Thus taking precedence over the feature flags present in bootstrap.

Disable LaunchDarkly js-client Initialization (Preventing XHRs)

In the event that you opt-in for SSR, you may not want to make any additional XHRs to LaunchDarkly since you already have the feature flags provided from your server through bootstrap, you can disable this by supplying disableClient: true:

const clientOptions = {
  bootstrap: currentUser.featureFlags,
  disableClient: true

Overriding Feature Flags

If you need to temporarily override the variation reported by a feature flag for testing or demonstration purposes, you can do so using special query parameters in the request URL. This can be useful for seeing the possible effects of enabling a feature flag or to force a specific variation of a multivariate flag.

Do note that overriding a feature flag does not report it to LaunchDarkly nor does it persist. It's merely a mechanism for testing or demonstration purposes. One notable use-case is in integration and/or end-to-end testing.

Enabling Boolean Feature Flags

You can enable a set of boolean feature flags with a comma-delimited list in the features query parameter:

// Overrides the `send-onboarding-email` boolean feature flag, setting it to `true`
// Enables the `show-user-email`, `user-nicknames`, and `hide-inactive-users` feature flags

Advanced Feature Flag Overriding

If you need to temporarily set a boolean feature flag to false or override the variation reported by a multivariate feature flag, you can use features.{feature_flag} query parameters:

// Disables the `verify-email` feature flag and sets the `email-frequency` variation to "weekly"

The values "true" and "false" are converted into true and false boolean values. If the query parameter value is omitted, then the feature flag will be reported as enabled:

// Enables the `show-user-email` feature flag


// Overrides the `send-onboarding-email` boolean feature flag, setting it to `true`

// Enables the `show-user-email`, `user-nicknames`, and `hide-inactive-users` feature flags

// Disables the `verify-email` feature flag and sets the `email-frequency` variation to "weekly"

// Enables the `show-user-email` feature flag

Identify a new user

If you need to change the configured user for the launch darkly client you can do that by calling identify.

import { identify } from "react-launch-darkly";

identify(launchDarklyClientKey, launchDarklyUser, optionalUserHash);

See Launch Darkly's documentation for more information.