Tbh, if we want ppl to submit to a specific branch we have to really make it clear. Example, even myself though that you were using the develop branch mostly...
Some update : After reading through the changes support and suggestion. I believe we should keep master for : whatever is the latest OFFICIAL tagged release. And push dev PR...
Up on this. I tried the script in the Main repo on a Fresh ubuntu 22.04 and this was giving errors. First, needed to install curl. (easy) but then I...
This should not because the script use the V5 anyway :)
NDI|HX encoding require a special access to the Advanced SDK and it is being discussed. There are possible licensing requirement to consider as well.
I have pushed again regarding this. Especially as pretty much all of the ecosystem is moving toward the NDI|HX.
@jbcurler2010 you've got email ;) For the sake of sanity in the repo. Status: the developpement of NDI HX could be done with the advanced SDK as available today but...
Closing this issue as it is old/not been updated/expired and most- likely fixed in more recent version. Please upgrade to the latest versions (OBS / plugin / runtime) and open...
I did the check + pushed a pull request : cc @paulpv
This has been assumed to be an issue within OBS link. OBS link is no longer supported by Elgato. See the official statement at :