Tropicalrambler (Alain Berger)
Tropicalrambler (Alain Berger)
- [x] Title: "VAT and Income Tax Retention Report" - [x] Filters: Supplier, Customer (If customer, pull only **Sales Invoices**) (If Supplier pull only **Purchase Invoices**) - [ ] Grouping:...
Non urgent! Use a role file doctype exported to assign permissions to generate electronic invoice - [ ] Create the **Role** that allows generating Invoices. Name it: Electronic Invoice User...
When constructing vat tax declaration report, exclude the following: All Purchase invoices, where Purchase Taxes and Charges Template has Tax Category as SAT: Asociacion sin fines de Lucro if Is...
Allow only the seleciton of purchase invoices or journal entries for doctype CADI
Report to show the system's loaded Consumable Acquisition Records. # Columns - [x] Document Posting Date - [x] Linked DocID - Purchase invoices only - [x] Supplier - [x] Invoice...
If item has country of origin = to company country, then item can be included in **Consumable Acquisition Record** when generating, this will allow for asiste libros to also list...
10. Customs Type: Select: Initial, Transit, Destination 11. Codigo 12. Numero de dispositivo de seguridad nuevo 13. Fecha y hora 14. Nombre, (firma y Sello del funcionario de Aduana) 9....
Based on custom script or using Javascript for app, implemented by way of this solution:
A DUCA applies for customer or supplier, however from our reference, we either import or export goods. This means that we can choose a role as importer or exporter. Choosing...
Define functionality to be used for "Discounts, Gift Certificates, Point Exchange" Ideas: Gift certificates = new doctype? Gift certificate servers as form of payment for invoices. Example: Purchase Invoice for...