ecommerce-symfony copied to clipboard
Ecommerce made with Symfony, Stripe, EasyAdmin, Mailjet and Twig
La Boot'ique :handbag: :dress: :high_heel:
The website :computer:
Simple Ecommerce with extern payment method. I made this website mainly to learn how to use a payment API, Easy Admin, and a mailer. Any user can suscribe, and then purchase any products. Of course, this is a test version of Strip, you can't really use your card. But still, a validation will be set, and you'll receive a confirmation mail. If you use the contact section, I will reveive an email from the website.
Back Office :package:
As an admin (role = "ROLE_ADMIN"), we can add products, modify banners, top products, handle users, carriers, categories and orders.
Stack :wrench:
- Symfony 5.4
- Easy Admin
- Twig
- Bootstrap
- Stripe
- Mailjet
How to install project :hammer:
After cloning the repo, run :
composer install
Import the database from file e-commerce.sql
Specify your work environment :
DATABASE_URL="mysql://user_name:[email protected]:3306/database_name?serverVersion=mariadb-10.3.25" APP_ENV=dev
If needed, clear cache :
php bin/console cache:clear