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{hunter pet}skills and arena
hello everyone, the skills of hunter with his pet dont work. (master's call,Bestial wrath, intimdation) if the pet is not in line of sight it's using the skill, make the skill get into CD and doesn't give any proc on you or on your pet. at the skill bestial wrath its the same also if the pet out of range. also,when you enter arena area the skills and the debuffs on the pet dont reset. there are debuffs that cause you to be more powerless like the debuff of bloodlust TBD : 335.51 Hash: d967162 Linux, SQL. Thx for help.
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Have you tried disabling LoS for Heart of the Phoenix Spell?
DELETE FROM `disables` WHERE `sourceType` = 0 AND `entry` = 54114;
INSERT INTO `disables` (`sourceType`, `entry`, `flags`, `params_0`, `params_1`, `comment`) VALUES
(0, 54114, 64, 0, 0, 'Heart of the Phoenix uses Cooldown, but won''t work through LoS, so ignore LoS.');
"also,when you enter arena area the skills and the debuffs on the pet dont reset." this still persists prob is in void Player::RemoveArenaSpellCooldowns(bool removeActivePetCooldowns) it works for players but the check in there doesnt seem to work for pets
Confirmed on b1d0855624d1c83850fc36f5242437d7f7c1336b. Seems that Master's Call doesn't free the target every time...for exaple it doesn't work for the mage spell Frost nova.
Confirmed in 3d5c1b8 Bestial Wrath needs validations when the pet is dead or is not on line of sight with the hunter.
Current behaviour: When the corpse of the pet is visible, the hunter can use Bestial Wrath, the buff does not appear and the ability enters cooldown. When the hunter is not in line of sight with the pet, the hunter can use Bestial Wrath, the buff does not appear and the ability enters cooldown.
Expected behaviour: When the pet is dead or out of line of sight with the hunter, the ability can not be used.
Steps to reproduce the problem:
- Attack and kill the hunter's pet. At the moment the hunter can use Bestial Wrath and should not.
- The hunter revives the pet and orders him to stay. The hunter goes behind a mountain or a tree (out of line of sight) and can use Bestial Wrath and should not.
@robinsch posted a good solution to this in the closed issue #18249, is it possible to merge this contribution?
This is an old issue maybe should be labeled with Sub-Spells or Sub-PetMinion. Master's Call works ok since 361b185.
835e2918319e Master's Call works ok now:
Intimidation does ignore LOS (no clue if is ok or not):
Bestial Wrath: Hunter (out of LOS with the pet) casts Bestial Wrath, nothing happens and spell is put into cooldwon.