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Brightness level issue - CFW 4.1 BittBoy v3

Open varayoudfederico opened this issue 5 years ago • 3 comments

I updated my Bittboy v3 to CFW 4.1 and there is an issue with the brightness level of the screen.

Every time the screen turns off and on again, the brightness level resets to a level that seems to be about 70-80% full brightness. This happens wheter you restart the device or you suspend it. In previous versions, the brightness level is mantained when you power off the device.

And also, you have to change the brightness level pressing the buttons once and then release. If you mantain the button pressed, the device crashes.

I noticed this because my device has an issue where you can hear a faint high pitch noise every time the screen is not at 100% due to the PWM signal that controls the brightness (by the way, there is a fix for this problem on the official Reddit that would be awesome to implement in future versions of the firmware).

Thanks for you awesome work.

Edit: I just realized that the brightness level resets every time you reload the main menu. You don't need to reset the device. For example: Lower the brightness to the lowest level, enter a game, exit, the brightness level changes.

varayoudfederico avatar Aug 14 '19 23:08 varayoudfederico

Can you try to update to CFW 4.3 and try again?

TriForceX avatar Aug 23 '19 13:08 TriForceX

This still happens on 4.2

TriForceX avatar Sep 03 '19 14:09 TriForceX

A PR was merged to fix this (hopefully). I'll close this as soon as a new kernel release is made.

gameblabla avatar Nov 20 '20 08:11 gameblabla

Currently the brigthness is controled directly by gmenu2x settings, if you launch app in another way e.g. with autoexec.sh (or bootlogo) it will use daemon while reading "/mnt/.backlight.conf" and if no value is provided the default is 5

Apaczer avatar Apr 14 '23 22:04 Apaczer