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A dwarf-fortress clone / MUD / side project in Elixir

Results 12 dwarlixir issues
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I need to be able to understand the in-world passage of time much better. Anything which lets me know "how", "why" or "when" time is on the move would be...

Controllers need to be notified of events like something giving birth or something dying or something leaving the loc or something entering the loc

Again in the DW mud locations have flavor texts that come up every once in a while when you're in the location.

Seems half-reasonable, given that in the Discworld MUD there are items that speak at regular times

I guess at some point we will want people to be able to have some kind of account. Unsure whether we'll want a one-to-one mapping between account and character yet.....

What I'm looking for is "find a creature, click on it, follow it as it moves around."