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🧊 A Elbereth Gilthoniel / silivren penna míriel! 🌟
A Elbereth Gilthoniel
silivren penna míriel!
A small programming language based on polarization.
Sample Program
Pseudocode on what programs should look like.
-- Ordinary routines, Builtin functions
radius( a : Float , b : Float ) : Float
= sqrt( mulf(a,a) , mulf(b,b) )
-- No fancy infix but it's easy to add
-- Case
andb( a : Bool , b : Bool ) : Bool
= \case a, b { -- keywords are prefixed with a backslash
True() , True() => True()
-- Nullary constructors, to keep the parser simple
_ , _ => False()
-- Hindley Milnor Polymorphism
k( x : a , y : b ) : a = x
-- Case distinction with zero cases
falso( x : Void ) : a
= \case x {}
Values and continuations
add_with_cont( x : Int , y : Int , c :~ Int ) : # -- Note the type!
= c # add(x , y) -- Combining a value with a continuation creates a #.
-- To create a continuation, do a pattern matching
example() :~ Int
= \continue {
1 => blabla -- Return a # here
2 => blabla
_ => blabla
-- I/O
hw(cont :~ String) : #
= [] <- print("Your name, please: ")
; [name] <- input()
; [] <- print(concat("Hello, ", name))
; cont # name
-- So the syntax
-- [t1, t2, ...] <- effect(args) ; prog
-- carries out the effect, puts the result in the t's, and then carries out
-- prog of type #, where the variables t1, t2, ... can be used. The whole thing
-- again has type #. This operator is right associative, so you can chain.
-- Exiting is an effect.
exit() : #
= [v] <- abort() ; \case v {}
-- abort() returns a Void. During execution it directly exits the program.
-- This may seem slightly weird but it keeps the semantics uniform. Anyway you
-- can now use exit() directly to exit without doing this twist.
Data structures
There is a slight subtlety in that we deliberately blur the difference of two opposite things. So the explanation might get a little bit confusing.
Ordinary datatypes are straightforward:
-- A list of numbers (for simplicity, no polymorphism for now)
\data List { Nil() | Cons(head : Float, tail : List) }
-- You can still give names to these fields (Maybe I can automatically
-- generate projections? But I'm lazy), you can also choose to use
-- the _ wildcard.
append(a : List, b : List) : List
= \case a {
Nil() => b
Cons(x, xs) => Cons(x, append(xs, b))
The twist comes where you can also use the :~
mechanism in datatypes:
\data Hole { Hole(_ :~ Float) }
We can have the eager/lazy distinction on data structures, but I'm too lazy.
Perhaps we have two keywords like \eagerdata
and \lazydata
, for which the
evaluation strategy will change accordingly. Currently I'm just going for all
Type theory
The type theory consists of judgements of the form
$$T_1, \dots, T_n; S_1, \dots, S_n \vdash J$$
where J
is either Program
or By constructor T
or By pattern S
A program (#
in concrete syntax) is the result of combining a by-pattern term
with a by-constructor term. It can also be created by primitive effects. (...)
There are four stages:
is the full language. After parsing, we translate away some small syntactic sugars; do scope checking and remove all the module stuff. -
is what's left. We then do type checking, and translate pattern matching into case trees. -
is what's left. This does not have type information now. And we proceed to do more optimizations, and compile to bytecode or something -
is the bytecode. Now we may run it in a VM or compile to binary.