Hi @ktbyers, Regarding this issue how would you like to proceed on it ? I can make the pull request with updated methods but your advice would be appreciated on...
don't worry I am as you regarding fortinet and use support from my colleagues on specific questions. :-) About `config global ` I agree with you. Let me update it...
ok ! Let's do this. If we do so, how link the `send_config_set()` to those functions ? does it still generic ?
Ok I've got my homeworks. :-) I'll come to you maybe next week about it with an update of the pull request (maybe I'll stage it) depending on my time...
Hi Kirk, Done all the job today. I've got to roll the testing stuff if I've got time till the end of the week.
No, I've just added the config mode and its counterparts check_config_mode and exit_config_mode. In Fortigate devices, there is a config mode which can be global or vdom and you need...
Hi @refriedjello, by default when you’ll type the connection.config_mode() function, you will enter in global config. You can modify this behavior like connection.config_mode(config_command="config vdom”)
The second command should be something like : `net_connect.send_command(“edit myvdom”) ` or `net_connect.send_config_set(config_commands=[“ edit myvdom”])` edit is already part of the config mode under VDOM. That’s why I haven’t supply...
Ok, I’ll take a look on it and come to you after testing it from my side. You should have answer to your problem tomorrow. I’ll keep you posted.
Hi, So basically, I reproduced your issue regarding the first issue (with the send_command) and know why the second way hasn't worked. For the first try with the send_command :...