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Add RawOps Operations for TensorFlow frontend
Add RawOps Operations for TensorFlow frontend:
- [x] #1693
- [ ] AccumulateNV2
- [ ] Acos
- [ ] Acosh
- [ ] Add
- [ ] AddN
- [ ] AddV2
- [ ] AllToAll
- [ ] Angle
- [ ] ApproximateEqual
- [ ] ArgMax
- [ ] ArgMin
- [ ] AsString
- [ ] Asin
- [ ] Asinh
- [ ] Assert
- [ ] Assign
- [ ] AssignAdd
- [ ] AssignSub
- [ ] Atan
- [ ] Atan2
- [ ] Atanh
- [ ] AudioSummary
- [ ] AudioSummaryV2
- [ ] AvgPool
- [ ] AvgPool3D
- [ ] AvgPool3DGrad
- [ ] AvgPoolGrad
- [ ] BandedTriangularSolve
- [ ] BatchMatMul
- [ ] BatchMatMulV2
- [ ] BatchMatMulV3
- [ ] BatchToSpace
- [ ] BatchToSpaceND
- [ ] BesselI0
- [ ] BesselI0e
- [ ] BesselI1
- [ ] BesselI1e
- [ ] BesselJ0
- [ ] BesselJ1
- [ ] BesselK0
- [ ] BesselK0e
- [ ] BesselK1
- [ ] BesselK1e
- [ ] BesselY0
- [ ] BesselY1
- [ ] Betainc
- [ ] BiasAdd
- [ ] BiasAddGrad
- [ ] BiasAddV1
- [ ] BitwiseAnd
- [ ] #2278
- [ ] BitwiseXor
- [ ] BlockLSTM
- [ ] BlockLSTMV2
- [ ] BroadcastGradientArgs
- [ ] BroadcastTo
- [ ] CSRSparseMatrixToDense
- [ ] CSRSparseMatrixToSparseTensor
- [ ] CTCBeamSearchDecoder
- [ ] CTCGreedyDecoder
- [ ] CTCLoss
- [ ] CTCLossV2
- [ ] Case
- [ ] Cast
- [ ] Ceil
- [ ] CheckNumerics
- [ ] CheckNumericsV2
- [ ] Cholesky
- [ ] CollectivePermute
- [ ] Complex
- [ ] ComplexAbs
- [ ] CompositeTensorVariantFromComponents
- [ ] CompositeTensorVariantToComponents
- [ ] Concat
- [ ] ConcatOffset
- [ ] ConcatV2
- [ ] Conj
- [ ] ConjugateTranspose
- [ ] Const
- [ ] Conv2D
- [ ] Conv2DBackpropFilter
- [ ] Conv2DBackpropInput
- [ ] Conv3D
- [ ] Conv3DBackpropFilterV2
- [ ] Conv3DBackpropInputV2
- [ ] Cos
- [ ] Cosh
- [ ] CropAndResize
- [ ] Cross
- [ ] CrossReplicaSum
- [ ] CudnnRNN
- [ ] CudnnRNNV2
- [ ] CudnnRNNV3
- [ ] Cumprod
- [ ] Cumsum
- [ ] CumulativeLogsumexp
- [ ] Dawsn
- [ ] DebugGradientIdentity
- [ ] DebugGradientRefIdentity
- [ ] DebugIdentityV2
- [ ] DecodeBase64
- [ ] DecodePaddedRaw
- [ ] DecodeProtoV2
- [ ] DecodeRaw
- [ ] DeleteSessionTensor
- [ ] DenseToCSRSparseMatrix
- [ ] DenseToDenseSetOperation
- [ ] DenseToSparseSetOperation
- [ ] DepthToSpace
- [ ] DepthwiseConv2dNative
- [ ] DepthwiseConv2dNative
- [ ] DepthwiseConv2dNativeBackpropFilter
- [ ] DepthwiseConv2dNativeBackpropInput
- [ ] Diag
- [ ] DiagPart
- [ ] Digamma
- [ ] Dilation2D
- [ ] Div
- [ ] DivNoNan
- [ ] DrawBoundingBoxes
- [ ] DynamicPartition
- [ ] DynamicStitch
- [ ] EagerPyFunc
- [ ] EditDistance
- [ ] Eig
- [ ] Einsum
- [ ] Elu
- [ ] EluGrad
- [ ] EncodeBase64
- [ ] EncodeProto
- [ ] EnsureShape
- [ ] Enter
- [ ] Equal
- [ ] Erf
- [ ] Erfc
- [ ] Erfinv
- [ ] Erfinv
- [ ] EuclideanNorm
- [ ] Exit
- [ ] Exp
- [ ] ExpandDims
- [ ] Expint
- [ ] Expm1
- [ ] ExtractGlimpse
- [ ] ExtractImagePatches
- [ ] ExtractVolumePatches
- [ ] FFT
- [ ] FFT2D
- [ ] FFT3D
- [ ] FakeQuantWithMinMaxArgs
- [ ] FakeQuantWithMinMaxVars
- [ ] FakeQuantWithMinMaxVarsPerChannel
- [ ] Fill
- [ ] FixedLengthRecordReader
- [ ] Floor
- [ ] FloorDiv
- [ ] FloorMod
- [ ] FractionalAvgPool
- [ ] FractionalMaxPool
- [ ] FresnelCos
- [ ] FresnelSin
- [ ] FusedBatchNorm
- [ ] FusedBatchNormGrad
- [ ] FusedBatchNormGradV2
- [ ] FusedBatchNormGradV3
- [ ] FusedBatchNormV2
- [ ] FusedBatchNormV3
- [ ] Gather
- [ ] GatherNd
- [ ] GatherV2
- [ ] GenerateBoundingBoxProposals
- [ ] HSVToRGB
- [ ] HashTable
- [ ] HashTableV2
- [ ] HistogramSummary
- [ ] IFFT
- [ ] IFFT2D
- [ ] IFFT3D
- [ ] IRFFT
- [ ] IRFFT2D
- [ ] Identity
- [ ] IdentityN
- [ ] IdentityReader
- [ ] If
- [ ] Igamma
- [ ] Igammac
- [ ] Imag
- [ ] ImageProjectiveTransformV2
- [ ] ImageProjectiveTransformV3
- [ ] ImageSummary
- [ ] InitializeTable
- [ ] InitializeTableFromTextFile
- [ ] InitializeTableFromTextFileV2
- [ ] InitializeTableV2
- [ ] Inv
- [ ] InvGrad
- [ ] Invert
- [ ] InvertPermutation
- [ ] IsotonicRegression
- [ ] L2Loss
- [ ] LMDBReader
- [ ] LRN
- [ ] LeakyRelu
- [ ] LeakyReluGrad
- [ ] LeftShift
- [ ] Less
- [ ] LessEqual
- [ ] Lgamma
- [ ] LinSpace
- [ ] LoadAndRemapMatrix
- [ ] Log
- [ ] Log1p
- [ ] LogMatrixDeterminant
- [ ] LogSoftmax
- [ ] LogicalAnd
- [ ] LogicalNot
- [ ] LogicalOr
- [ ] LookupTableFind
- [ ] LookupTableFindV2
- [ ] LookupTableInsert
- [ ] LookupTableInsertV2
- [ ] LookupTableSize
- [ ] LookupTableSizeV2
- [ ] LoopCond
- [ ] MatMul
- [ ] MatrixBandPart
- [ ] MatrixDeterminant
- [ ] MatrixDiag
- [ ] MatrixDiagPart
- [ ] MatrixDiagPartV2
- [ ] MatrixDiagPartV3
- [ ] MatrixDiagV2
- [ ] MatrixDiagV3
- [ ] MatrixInverse
- [ ] MatrixSetDiag
- [ ] MatrixSetDiagV2
- [ ] MatrixSetDiagV3
- [ ] MatrixSolve
- [ ] MatrixSolveLs
- [ ] MatrixSquareRoot
- [ ] MatrixTriangularSolve
- [ ] Max
- [ ] MaxPool3D
- [ ] MaxPool3DGrad
- [ ] MaxPool3DGradGrad
- [ ] MaxPoolGrad
- [ ] MaxPoolGradGrad
- [ ] MaxPoolGradV2
- [ ] MaxPoolV2
- [ ] MaxPoolWithArgmax
- [ ] Maximum
- [ ] Mean
- [ ] Merge
- [ ] MergeSummary
- [ ] Min
- [ ] Minimum
- [ ] MirrorPad
- [ ] MirrorPadGrad
- [ ] Mul
- [ ] MulNoNan
- [ ] Multinomial
- [ ] MutableDenseHashTable
- [ ] MutableDenseHashTableV2
- [ ] MutableHashTable
- [ ] MutableHashTableOfTensors
- [ ] MutableHashTableOfTensorsV2
- [ ] MutableHashTableV2
- [ ] NcclAllReduce
- [ ] NcclBroadcast
- [ ] NcclReduce
- [ ] Ndtri
- [ ] Neg
- [ ] NextAfter
- [ ] NextIteration
- [ ] NonMaxSuppression
- [ ] NonMaxSuppressionV2
- [ ] NonMaxSuppressionWithOverlaps
- [ ] NotEqual
- [ ] NthElement
- [ ] OneHot
- [ ] OnesLike
- [ ] OptionalFromValue
- [ ] OptionalGetValue
- [ ] Pack
- [ ] Pad
- [ ] PadV2
- [ ] ParallelDynamicStitch
- [ ] ParameterizedTruncatedNormal
- [ ] ParseTensor
- [ ] PlaceholderWithDefault
- [ ] Polygamma
- [ ] PopulationCount
- [ ] Pow
- [ ] PreventGradient
- [ ] Prod
- [ ] PyFunc
- [ ] PyFuncStateless
- [ ] Qr
- [ ] QuantizeAndDequantize
- [ ] QuantizeAndDequantizeV2
- [ ] QuantizeAndDequantizeV3
- [ ] QuantizeAndDequantizeV4
- [ ] QuantizeAndDequantizeV4Grad
- [ ] QueueClose
- [ ] QueueDequeue
- [ ] QueueDequeueMany
- [ ] QueueDequeueUpTo
- [ ] QueueEnqueue
- [ ] QueueEnqueueMany
- [ ] QueueSize
- [ ] RFFT
- [ ] RFFT2D
- [ ] RGBToHSV
- [ ] RaggedGather
- [ ] RaggedRange
- [ ] RaggedTensorFromVariant
- [ ] RaggedTensorToSparse
- [ ] RaggedTensorToTensor
- [ ] RaggedTensorToVariant
- [ ] RandomCrop
- [ ] RandomGamma
- [ ] RandomStandardNormal
- [ ] RandomUniform
- [ ] Range
- [ ] Rank
- [ ] ReadVariableOp
- [ ] ReaderNumRecordsProduced
- [ ] ReaderNumWorkUnitsCompleted
- [ ] ReaderRead
- [ ] ReaderReadUpTo
- [ ] ReaderReset
- [ ] ReaderRestoreState
- [ ] ReaderSerializeState
- [ ] Real
- [ ] RealDiv
- [ ] Reciprocal
- [ ] ReciprocalGrad
- [ ] ReduceDataset
- [ ] ReduceJoin
- [ ] RefEnter
- [ ] RefExit
- [ ] RefIdentity
- [ ] RefMerge
- [ ] RefNextIteration
- [ ] RefSwitch
- [ ] RegexReplace
- [ ] Relu
- [ ] Relu6
- [ ] Relu6Grad
- [ ] ReluGrad
- [ ] Reshape
- [ ] ResizeBicubic
- [ ] ResizeBilinear
- [ ] ResizeNearestNeighbor
- [ ] ResourceGather
- [ ] ResourceGatherNd
- [ ] Reverse
- [ ] ReverseSequence
- [ ] ReverseV2
- [ ] RightShift
- [ ] Rint
- [ ] Roll
- [ ] Round
- [ ] Rsqrt
- [ ] RsqrtGrad
- [ ] SampleDistortedBoundingBox
- [ ] SampleDistortedBoundingBoxV2
- [ ] ScalarSummary
- [ ] ScaleAndTranslate
- [ ] ScatterAdd
- [ ] ScatterDiv
- [ ] ScatterMul
- [ ] ScatterNd
- [ ] ScatterNdAdd
- [ ] ScatterNdNonAliasingAdd
- [ ] ScatterNdSub
- [ ] ScatterNdUpdate
- [ ] ScatterSub
- [ ] SdcaFprint
- [ ] SdcaOptimizer
- [ ] SdcaOptimizerV2
- [ ] SdcaShrinkL1
- [ ] SegmentMax
- [ ] SegmentMean
- [ ] SegmentMin
- [ ] SegmentProd
- [ ] SegmentSum
- [ ] Select
- [ ] SelectV2
- [ ] SelfAdjointEig
- [ ] Selu
- [ ] SeluGrad
- [ ] Send
- [ ] SerializeTensor
- [ ] SetSize
- [ ] Shape
- [ ] ShapeN
- [ ] Sigmoid
- [ ] SigmoidGrad
- [ ] Sign
- [ ] Sin
- [ ] Sinh
- [ ] Size
- [ ] Slice
- [ ] Softmax
- [ ] SoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogits
- [ ] Softplus
- [ ] SoftplusGrad
- [ ] Softsign
- [ ] SpaceToBatch
- [ ] SpaceToBatchND
- [ ] SpaceToDepth
- [ ] SparseAdd
- [ ] SparseAddGrad
- [ ] SparseConcat
- [ ] SparseDenseCwiseAdd
- [ ] SparseDenseCwiseDiv
- [ ] SparseDenseCwiseMul
- [ ] SparseFillEmptyRows
- [ ] SparseMatMul
- [ ] SparseMatrixAdd
- [ ] SparseMatrixMatMul
- [ ] SparseMatrixMul
- [ ] SparseMatrixNNZ
- [ ] SparseMatrixSoftmax
- [ ] SparseMatrixSparseMatMul
- [ ] SparseMatrixTranspose
- [ ] SparseMatrixZeros
- [ ] SparseReduceSum
- [ ] SparseReorder
- [ ] SparseSegmentMean
- [ ] SparseSegmentMeanWithNumSegments
- [ ] SparseSegmentSqrtN
- [ ] SparseSegmentSqrtNWithNumSegments
- [ ] SparseSegmentSum
- [ ] SparseSlice
- [ ] SparseSoftmax
- [ ] SparseSoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogits
- [ ] SparseSparseMaximum
- [ ] SparseSparseMinimum
- [ ] SparseTensorDenseAdd
- [ ] SparseTensorDenseMatMul
- [ ] SparseTensorToCSRSparseMatrix
- [ ] SparseToDense
- [ ] SparseToSparseSetOperation
- [ ] Spence
- [ ] Split
- [ ] SplitV
- [ ] Sqrt
- [ ] SqrtGrad
- [ ] Square
- [ ] SquaredDifference
- [ ] Squeeze
- [ ] Stack
- [ ] StackClose
- [ ] StackPop
- [ ] StackPush
- [ ] StatelessCase
- [ ] StatelessIf
- [ ] StatelessMultinomial
- [ ] StatelessParameterizedTruncatedNormal
- [ ] StatelessRandomBinomial
- [ ] StatelessRandomGammaV2
- [ ] StatelessRandomNormal
- [ ] StatelessRandomNormalV2
- [ ] StatelessRandomPoisson
- [ ] StatelessRandomUniform
- [ ] StatelessRandomUniformFullInt
- [ ] StatelessRandomUniformFullIntV2
- [ ] StatelessRandomUniformInt
- [ ] StatelessRandomUniformIntV2
- [ ] StatelessRandomUniformV2
- [ ] StatelessTruncatedNormal
- [ ] StatelessTruncatedNormalV2
- [ ] StatelessWhile
- [ ] StopGradient
- [ ] StridedSlice
- [ ] StridedSliceGrad
- [ ] StringJoin
- [ ] StringSplit
- [ ] StringToHashBucket
- [ ] StringToHashBucketFast
- [ ] StringToHashBucketStrong
- [ ] StringToNumber
- [ ] Sub
- [ ] Sum
- [ ] Svd
- [ ] Switch
- [ ] TFRecordReader
- [ ] TPUEmbeddingActivations
- [ ] TPUReplicatedInput
- [ ] Tan
- [ ] Tanh
- [ ] TanhGrad
- [ ] TensorArray
- [ ] TensorArrayClose
- [ ] TensorArrayCloseV2
- [ ] TensorArrayCloseV3
- [ ] TensorArrayConcat
- [ ] TensorArrayConcatV2
- [ ] TensorArrayConcatV3
- [ ] TensorArrayGather
- [ ] TensorArrayGatherV2
- [ ] TensorArrayGatherV3
- [ ] TensorArrayGrad
- [ ] TensorArrayGradV2
- [ ] TensorArrayGradV3
- [ ] TensorArrayGradWithShape
- [ ] TensorArrayRead
- [ ] TensorArrayReadV2
- [ ] TensorArrayReadV3
- [ ] TensorArrayScatter
- [ ] TensorArrayScatterV2
- [ ] TensorArrayScatterV3
- [ ] TensorArraySize
- [ ] TensorArraySizeV2
- [ ] TensorArraySizeV3
- [ ] TensorArraySplit
- [ ] TensorArraySplitV2
- [ ] TensorArraySplitV3
- [ ] TensorArrayV2
- [ ] TensorArrayV3
- [ ] TensorArrayWrite
- [ ] TensorArrayWriteV2
- [ ] TensorArrayWriteV3
- [ ] TensorListConcat
- [ ] TensorListConcatLists
- [ ] TensorListConcatV2
- [ ] TensorListElementShape
- [ ] TensorListFromTensor
- [ ] TensorListGather
- [ ] TensorListGetItem
- [ ] TensorListLength
- [ ] TensorListPopBack
- [ ] TensorListPushBack
- [ ] TensorListPushBackBatch
- [ ] TensorListResize
- [ ] TensorListScatter
- [ ] TensorListScatterIntoExistingList
- [ ] TensorListScatterV2
- [ ] TensorListSetItem
- [ ] TensorListSplit
- [ ] TensorListStack
- [ ] TensorScatterAdd
- [ ] TensorScatterMax
- [ ] TensorScatterMin
- [ ] TensorScatterSub
- [ ] TensorScatterUpdate
- [ ] TensorStridedSliceUpdate
- [ ] TensorSummary
- [ ] TensorSummaryV2
- [ ] TextLineReader
- [ ] Tile
- [ ] Timestamp
- [ ] TopK
- [ ] TopKV2
- [ ] Transpose
- [ ] TridiagonalMatMul
- [ ] TridiagonalSolve
- [ ] TruncateDiv
- [ ] TruncatedNormal
- [ ] Unpack
- [ ] UnsortedSegmentMax
- [ ] UnsortedSegmentMin
- [ ] UnsortedSegmentProd
- [ ] UnsortedSegmentSum
- [ ] VariableShape
- [ ] While
- [ ] WholeFileReader
- [ ] Xdivy
- [ ] Xlog1py
- [ ] Xlogy
- [ ] ZerosLike
- [ ] Zeta
- [ ] #2278
- [ ] argmax #2433
Reverse #9964
Hi @unifyai,
I am trying to add my new issue to make label for LogSoftmax frontend function to here. Would you add this issue to here: LogSoftmax #13877 https://github.com/unifyai/ivy/issues/13877
Thank you!
- [ ] #13738
Also please mark Xlogy, Xlog1py, Xdivy as done to avoid confusion. They have been implemented but not marked as done.
- [ ] #13242
@MuminAhmadKhan Added the related issues, hopefully, the CI will add this to the list soon:
_[ ]# 26768 (ScatterNd)