Results 35 comments of TRΛNS-GIRL.C0DΞS

Is this simple to deploy on Heroku? I'd love to deploy this to manage the planned BioJulia registry

@StefanKarpinski I'm having an experiment now to see how I get on, but I may well take you up on the offer if Julia Computing would be happy to run...

What goes in the token field in the [github] section of the config? I've made a "BioJulia Registrar" GitHub app and am filling out a config so as to test...

I can see tokens for my user BenJWard in Settings/Developer Settings/Personal Access tokens, but I can't see anything like that for the BioJulia org's settings. Do I have to set...

@nkottary How do I need to edit this section? Some of the fields like the `trigger` look self explanatory, but I'm not sure which of the others I need to...

There is an alternative to this, which is to do something like this in the Docker: `RUN git config --global url.”https://{token}".insteadOf “"` If you'd rather that I try that and...

I agree. I'm also not opposed to just breaking BioGenerics or doing without it full stop. As time has gone on, I've become more of the attitude trying to anticipate...

@pb-jchin That makes sense thanks! I suppose that since an a_ctg and an a_base_ctg can have different lengths, I should align the two together before doing anything like a sliding...

The last release of Bio is kindof out of date with other packages like IntervalTrees, but I'm working on getting a more modern release of it out by JuliaCon. Likewise...

How do we know it's BioJulia and not biopython that has the bug? The key difference seems to be the BioJulia version inserts a bigger gap near the middle, to...