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mIoU is too low

Open xinanbuyi opened this issue 4 years ago • 4 comments

  1. The oscillation of loss function is severe

  2. The segmentation effect is not good when using your own dataset, and the Miou is too low

Why, I look forward to your reply

xinanbuyi avatar Nov 01 '19 07:11 xinanbuyi

Hi, maybe the hyperparameters are not optimal or due to the reason of the dataset.

Tramac avatar Dec 13 '19 06:12 Tramac

Hi,why is the miou lower than the paper,like pspnet,danet on cityscapes or voc2012,can we do a same results as the paper?

swjtulinxi avatar Dec 19 '19 05:12 swjtulinxi

i have the same problem

zzzzsh1 avatar May 08 '22 11:05 zzzzsh1

i also

XXMxxm220 avatar May 18 '23 07:05 XXMxxm220