awesome-semantic-segmentation-pytorch icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
awesome-semantic-segmentation-pytorch copied to clipboard

RuntimeError: Failed downloading url

Open andrew-begain opened this issue 4 years ago • 4 comments

@Tramac Could you please tell me where to download the basic model?The connection you gave could not be downloaded,thanks

andrew-begain avatar May 23 '20 10:05 andrew-begain


cswwp avatar Nov 25 '20 15:11 cswwp


Msquitttto avatar Oct 24 '21 04:10 Msquitttto

rkuo2000 avatar Jun 03 '22 15:06 rkuo2000

it reported 404 @rkuo2000

459737087 avatar Feb 28 '23 06:02 459737087