When I run .exe File it comes up with Text when it First Load but when it should go into the Game I just get a Black Screen. Please Help
I leave CD being mounted when exiting but when put new game it just Freezes and can't do anything so have to start Core with no game in to get...
When I press RA.exe I get this Screen:  Don’t know how I can fix this Issue
Just comes up with this Error - Please Help Screenshot:
Works Fine until the Change of Year and The Mouse Icon Disperses and no sign of the new year. So without the Mouse Icon can't do anything. Basically using the...
I tried to load my saved game for Dragonball Z: Harukanaru Densetsu on Latest DeSmume Build has only come up with a Blackscreen and Freezes. How can I fix this...
When I try and play it the Right Move Button does not work and when I try and Change which Button I want to use it comes up saying it's...
Crashes when I try and enter a Game on windows 98 .  Works fine when I have Sound Off but soon as put it...