tina icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
tina copied to clipboard

a powerful android network library base on okhttp


Other: 中文版

Simple API Simple use

How to use

dependencies {
    api 'com.tpa.client:tina:1.1.2'
    annotationProcessor 'com.tpa.client:tina-compiler:1.0.0'



## request
-keep public class * extends com.tpa.client.tina.model.TinaBaseRequest {
    public void set*(***);
    public *** get*();
    public *** is*();

## response
-keep public class * extends ${BaseResponseClass} {


public interface TinaConfig {
    /** okhttpclient config **/
    public @NonNull OkHttpClient getOkhttpClient();

    /** mediaType config **/
    public @NonNull MediaType getMediaType();

    /** host url **/
    public @NonNull String getHost();

    public @Nonable TinaFilter getTinaFilter();

    /** It is typically used to encrypt the request body data **/
    public @Nullable TinaConvert getRequestConvert();


Single request

The flow chart


public class Reqest extends TinaBaseRequest{

   private String name = "tqf";
   private String sex = "man";


Reqest request = new Reqest();
        .callBack(new TinaSingleCallBack<Response>() {
            public void onSuccess(Response response) {


            public void onFail(TinaException e) {


Chain request

The flow chart


public class Reqest extends TinaBaseRequest{

   private String name = "tqf";
   private String sex = "man";

Reqest request = new Reqest();
        .callBack(new TinaChainCallBack<TinaBaseResponse>() {
            public Object onSuccess(Object feedbackResult,TinaBaseResponse response) {
                return null;

            public void onFail(TinaException e) {

        .callBack(new TinaChainCallBack<TinaBaseResponse>() {
            public Object onSuccess(Object feedbackResult, TinaBaseResponse response) {
                return null;

            public void onFail(TinaException e) {



  • feedbackResult : The result passed from the previous request
  • return : The result passed to the next request. If TinaChain.FUSING is returned, the chain request is interrupted.

Concurrent request

The flow chart


public class Reqest extends TinaBaseRequest{

   private String name = "tqf";
   private String sex = "man";
Reqest request = new Reqest();
        .callBack(new TinaSingleCallBack<TinaBaseResponse>() {
            public void onSuccess(TinaBaseResponse response) {

            public void onFail(TinaException e) {
        .callBack(new TinaSingleCallBack<TinaBaseResponse>() {
            public void onSuccess(TinaBaseResponse response) {

            public void onFail(TinaException e) {

startCallBack and endCallBack

.startCallBack(new TinaStartCallBack() {
    public void start() {        
.endCallBack(new TinaEndCallBack() {
    public void end() {            


          .filter(new TinaFilter() {
                    public TinaFilterResult filter(TinaBaseRequest request, byte[] body, Class expect) {
                        return null;

Customize the response class type

                .callBack(new TinaSingleCallBack<Bitmap>() {
                    public void onSuccess(Bitmap bitmap) {


                    public void onFail(TinaException e) {




A request will be cancelled with the activity's destoryed


how to use

public class AnswererListResponse {

The @Automodel annotated resposne recursively loops around the entire response model, filling in all the empty objects.


if(data != null && data.getData1() != null && data.getData1().getData2 != null){
    //do somethings




Ignore inject


public class Response {
    private String data = 3.1415926; // 3.14


public class Response {
    @NotNull(message = "data field cannot be empty")
    private String data;

Custom annotations

See the implementation of @notnull and @numberscale for details

public @interface NotNull {
    public String message() default "";

public class NotNullHandler implements TinaAnnotationHandler<NotNull>{
    public void hanld(NotNull annotation, Object host, Field field) throws TinaDataException{
        try {
            Object o = field.get(host);
            if (o == null) {
                throw new TinaDataException(annotation.message());
        } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
TinaAnnotationManager.getInstance().register(NotNull.class , new NotNullHandler());


@Cache(key = "key" , expire = 1000 , unit = TimeUnit.SECONDS)
public class Request extends TinaBaseRequest {

Request request = new Request();

// If the cache is hit, no network request is called. Single CallBack
        .callBack(new TinaSingleCallBack<Response>() {
            public void onSuccess(Response response) {
            public void onFail(TinaException exception) {


// A network request is called regardless of whether the cache is hit or not. Double CallBack
        .callBack(new TinaSingleCacheCallBack<Response>() {
            public void onSuccess(Response response) {
                //fresh response
            public void onCache(Response response) {
                //cache response
            public void onFail(TinaException exception) {


about restful


Grammar 1

    public class Reqest extends TinaBaseRequest{

        private String name = "tqf";

        private String sex = "man";
    >>> DELETE /name/tqf/sex/man

Grammar 2

    public class Reqest extends TinaBaseRequest{

        private String name = "tqf";

        private String sex = "man";
    >>> DELETE /name/tqf/sex/man
    public class Reqest extends TinaBaseRequest{

        private String name = "tqf";

        private String sex = null;
    >>> DELETE /name/tqf/sex

Multi-configuration support

class Config implements TinaConfig{

Tina.addConfig(new Config());

--- gradle clean build ---

*  Automatically generate PayTina

live templates


First, download the settings.jar and keep it local >>>>> settings.jar

Open AndroidStudio and select AndroidStudio - File - Import Setttings

Select the setting.jar


  • tina_contract : Generate model contract
  • tina_singleReq : Generate a simple request
  • tina_singleReq2 : Generate simple requests with endCallBack and startCallBack
  • tina_chainReq : Generate chain request
  • tina_chainReq2 : Generate chain requests with endCallBack and startCallBack
  • tina_concurrentReq : Generate a concurrent request
  • tina_concurrentReq2 : Generate a concurrent request with endCallBack and startCallBack

lc5 lc6

Provided as a simple reference, live templates can be modified to suit your business needs


[email protected]