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Not all Nodes working on Samsung the Frame Smart TV (QE55LS03TASXXN)

Open Dunnenj opened this issue 4 years ago • 27 comments

I have an issue with the following Nodes on my Samsung the Frame Smart TV (QE55LS03TASXXN):

  • Samsung TV Open APP
  • Samsung TV Get Apps

I use the following inject Node: image

In the Samsung TV Get Apps Node, I did select my television and my output node is as follows: image

However it is not working. I get no debug output.


Dunnenj avatar Nov 15 '20 10:11 Dunnenj

Hey, could you say - what do you want to do?

Toxblh avatar Nov 15 '20 21:11 Toxblh

I want to get the list of apps available.

When that is working I want to open an App.


Dunnenj avatar Nov 15 '20 21:11 Dunnenj

Get apps, just to change to your TV in settings:


How to open app, that just a copy of my scripts:

[{"id":"f25e34ae.9ab038","type":"samsung-tv-turnon","z":"7f3d456d.ed17fc","device":"92aa1c11.d2cd4","name":"TurnOn","x":800,"y":680,"wires":[[]]},{"id":"926e4011.3a845","type":"ui_button","z":"7f3d456d.ed17fc","name":"YouTube","group":"fa42d1b9.df76d","order":3,"width":1,"height":1,"passthru":false,"label":"","tooltip":"YouTube","color":"","bgcolor":"","icon":"fa-youtube","payload":"111299001912","payloadType":"num","topic":"","x":460,"y":680,"wires":[["7fd1ae10.0c0c1"]]},{"id":"7ed94317.0c695c","type":"ui_button","z":"7f3d456d.ed17fc","name":"Netflix","group":"fa42d1b9.df76d","order":5,"width":2,"height":1,"passthru":false,"label":"Netflix","tooltip":"Netflix","color":"","bgcolor":"","icon":"","payload":"11101200001","payloadType":"num","topic":"","x":470,"y":720,"wires":[["7fd1ae10.0c0c1"]]},{"id":"25430147.80e11e","type":"ui_button","z":"7f3d456d.ed17fc","name":"Spotify","group":"fa42d1b9.df76d","order":4,"width":1,"height":1,"passthru":false,"label":"","tooltip":"","color":"","bgcolor":"","icon":"fa-spotify","payload":"3201606009684","payloadType":"str","topic":"","x":470,"y":640,"wires":[["7fd1ae10.0c0c1"]]},{"id":"6aedf3b6.208c5c","type":"ui_button","z":"7f3d456d.ed17fc","name":"Steam","group":"fa42d1b9.df76d","order":6,"width":1,"height":1,"passthru":false,"label":"","tooltip":"Steam","color":"","bgcolor":"","icon":"fa-steam","payload":"3201702011851","payloadType":"str","topic":"","x":470,"y":600,"wires":[["7fd1ae10.0c0c1"]]},{"id":"9627ceb0.6a1ed","type":"ui_button","z":"7f3d456d.ed17fc","name":"Samagic","group":"fa42d1b9.df76d","order":7,"width":1,"height":1,"passthru":false,"label":"","tooltip":"Samagic","color":"","bgcolor":"","icon":"fa-magic","payload":"vWMh8q6Ce0.Samagic","payloadType":"str","topic":"","x":460,"y":560,"wires":[["7fd1ae10.0c0c1"]]},{"id":"d6b354c5.313e28","type":"samsung-tv-openapp","z":"7f3d456d.ed17fc","device":"92aa1c11.d2cd4","name":"","appid":"","x":850,"y":600,"wires":[["357bb5cc.2bc73a"]]},{"id":"e3de5699.923ad8","type":"delay","z":"7f3d456d.ed17fc","name":"","pauseType":"delay","timeout":"5","timeoutUnits":"seconds","rate":"1","nbRateUnits":"1","rateUnits":"second","randomFirst":"1","randomLast":"5","randomUnits":"seconds","drop":false,"x":800,"y":640,"wires":[["d6b354c5.313e28"]]},{"id":"7fd1ae10.0c0c1","type":"samsung-tv-isaliveping","z":"7f3d456d.ed17fc","device":"92aa1c11.d2cd4","name":"isLive","x":630,"y":640,"wires":[["d6b354c5.313e28"],["f25e34ae.9ab038","e3de5699.923ad8","7c0cf3a0.de9b3c"]]},{"id":"57ef49c2.56ba88","type":"switch","z":"7f3d456d.ed17fc","name":"","property":"payload","propertyType":"msg","rules":[{"t":"eq","v":"3201606009684","vt":"str"},{"t":"eq","v":"111299001912","vt":"str"},{"t":"eq","v":"11101200001","vt":"str"},{"t":"eq","v":"3201702011851","vt":"str"}],"checkall":"true","repair":false,"outputs":4,"x":1150,"y":660,"wires":[["f0a9e5c.6717318"],["f0a9e5c.6717318"],["f0a9e5c.6717318"],["f0a9e5c.6717318"]]},{"id":"f0a9e5c.6717318","type":"samsung-tv-send","z":"7f3d456d.ed17fc","device":"92aa1c11.d2cd4","name":"enter","key":"KEY_ENTER","x":1270,"y":660,"wires":[[]]},{"id":"f93644fb.3a0aa8","type":"delay","z":"7f3d456d.ed17fc","name":"","pauseType":"delay","timeout":"3","timeoutUnits":"seconds","rate":"1","nbRateUnits":"1","rateUnits":"second","randomFirst":"1","randomLast":"5","randomUnits":"seconds","drop":false,"x":1020,"y":660,"wires":[["57ef49c2.56ba88"]]},{"id":"7c0cf3a0.de9b3c","type":"function","z":"7f3d456d.ed17fc","name":"flow.set tvState","func":"flow.set('tvState', true);","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"x":820,"y":720,"wires":[[]]},{"id":"357bb5cc.2bc73a","type":"function","z":"7f3d456d.ed17fc","name":"if-off","func":"var tvState = flow.get('tvState');\n\nif (tvState) {\n    flow.set('tvState', false)\n    return msg;\n}","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"x":1030,"y":600,"wires":[["f93644fb.3a0aa8"]]},{"id":"92aa1c11.d2cd4","type":"samsung-tv","name":"TV43","model":"8002","ip":"","mac":"AA1CAE48826E","token":"68738526"},{"id":"fa42d1b9.df76d","type":"ui_group","name":"TV","tab":"434dea81.58b7f4","order":1,"disp":true,"width":"6","collapse":false},{"id":"434dea81.58b7f4","type":"ui_tab","name":"Home","icon":"dashboard","disabled":false,"hidden":false}]

Toxblh avatar Nov 15 '20 21:11 Toxblh

^ you can to add it via Menu -> Import

Toxblh avatar Nov 15 '20 21:11 Toxblh

Thanks for your flows, but this also did not work.

Also "Samsung TV Turn On" is not working.

For Get Apps there is nothing in the debug.

How can I help to troubleshoot.


Dunnenj avatar Nov 16 '20 08:11 Dunnenj

@Dunnenj I also have a 2020 "the frame" TV and I've gone to the "official" samsung nodes to fill in the holes that I need which this contrib isn't...

TV model: QN65LS03TAFXZA

From this contrib I have working:

  • power state polling
  • turn ON the TV (wake on lan?)
  • toggle "art mode" on the frame

From the samsung project I have working:

  • turn OFF the tv
  • set HDMI 4 (for apple tv, the only device we use to watch)

I have the same issue as you, the "get apps" node does nothing and most remote keys do nothing. I'll be happy to try stuff if anyone wants.

My current working nodes:

[{"id":"ae595d25.03e648","type":"samsung-tv-isalive","z":"7c77bf66.1f173","device":"4ab99bce.3f64bc","name":"State","x":260,"y":1480,"wires":[["851d1512.c5193"],["5b4c175.5103f68"]]},{"id":"7c045dfa.964e3c","type":"samsung-tv-turnon","z":"7c77bf66.1f173","device":"4ab99bce.3f64bc","name":"on","x":910,"y":1440,"wires":[[]]},{"id":"60b5daa.7dbeda4","type":"samsung-tv-send","z":"7c77bf66.1f173","device":"4ab99bce.3f64bc","name":"art mode button","key":"KEY_POWER","x":600,"y":1640,"wires":[[]]},{"id":"4ab99bce.3f64bc","type":"samsung-tv","name":"Local","model":"8002","ip":"","mac":"445CE9FFAA27","token":"14237899"}]

crxporter avatar Nov 22 '20 22:11 crxporter

@crxporter Good to hear that you have the same issues and it is not only me. However this will not solve the issues.

As I purchased the TV recently and are also busy with some other Home Automation projects I did not test all the keys. I will do more testing in the coming period.

Your power state polling Node is working,but the original one was also working for me. Your WOL Node is not working for me. Your Artwork Node is working for me. Thanks

You will make me happy, and also other people who buy the new model, if you try stuff and get it working. Most important at this moment seems to be the GetApps Node and the LaunchApp Node

I have a workaround for the launch app by sending the required keys, but life will be much easier if the launch app functions is working.

Dunnenj avatar Nov 23 '20 08:11 Dunnenj

You will make me happy, and also other people who buy the new model, if you try stuff and get it working. Most important at this moment seems to be the GetApps Node and the LaunchApp Node

@Dunnenj, Most important for me would be to power off the tv (currently the "power key" toggles art mode) and be able to reliably set HDMI 4 as the input. If I can get these two things working on local network I can dump the samsung cloud nodes.

I might do some more digging through the libraries and other repos. Really just wanted to continue the discussion and let you know that I'm here working with another "the frame" TV.

crxporter avatar Nov 23 '20 14:11 crxporter

Power off for me is not an issue. I added the SmartThings integration to my Home Automation system and can reliably turn the TV off. However Turn on is not successful yet.

I hope that you are successful in getting more options to work.


Dunnenj avatar Nov 23 '20 17:11 Dunnenj

For TV turn on it's sending a wake-on-lan to the TV. I am almost certain.

Are you wired or wireless connection on the frame? My frame has ethernet to the one connect box. turn on with this node is working great. 100% success rate.

crxporter avatar Nov 23 '20 17:11 crxporter

I have a wireless connection.

Did set-up a wired connection, but also no success.

[{"id":"13cbb461.256c9c","type":"inject","z":"854a8130.d0711","name":"","props":[{"p":"payload"},{"p":"topic","vt":"str"}],"repeat":"","crontab":"","once":false,"onceDelay":0.1,"topic":"","payload":"","payloadType":"date","x":410,"y":80,"wires":[["76042f52.dd2ae"]]},{"id":"76042f52.dd2ae","type":"samsung-tv-turnon","z":"854a8130.d0711","device":"ec3086c1.48aa78","name":"on","x":550,"y":120,"wires":[["81e378ee.a711e8"]]},{"id":"81e378ee.a711e8","type":"debug","z":"854a8130.d0711","name":"","active":true,"tosidebar":true,"console":false,"tostatus":true,"complete":"payload","targetType":"msg","statusVal":"payload","statusType":"auto","x":620,"y":200,"wires":[]},{"id":"ec3086c1.48aa78","type":"samsung-tv","z":"","name":"Samsung The Frame TV","model":"8002","ip":"","mac":"44:5c:e9:43:0d:ab","token":"10694205"}]

Dunnenj avatar Nov 23 '20 17:11 Dunnenj

Wake on lan command is sent according to line 311 here:

crxporter avatar Nov 23 '20 17:11 crxporter

@Dunnenj for enable wake-on-lan even over wifi - need to enable the feature in TV. Don't remember where is it. But name of the feature - sound like turn on Mobile remote

UPD: Settings > general > network settings > expert settings > power on with mobile (turn on) and enable IP remote .

Toxblh avatar Nov 23 '20 18:11 Toxblh

Hello @Toxblh ! Good to see you! I’m poking into the samsung developer docs today... Trying to see what I can discover, maybe I’ll find something useful!

It looks like most of the work being done by this plugin is HTTP calls, right? I’ll be seeing what kinds of differences there are between what’s being sent and what is possible with my TV...

crxporter avatar Nov 23 '20 18:11 crxporter

@crxporter heh)) Well. I use full undocumented API. What API uses between phone (Smart Things) and TV while no connection. At current moment as I know Smart Things fully switched to internet realisation, and without doesn't work. And like example I don't know like how to get code of KEY for exit (#20) so maybe Android still to use the old direct API for that.

I also saw for home-assistant plugin, but still is works only while you have internet connection, so if more correct TV and mobile phone or HA server. In my case I fully block all Samsung servers for my TV and can't to use SmartThings but in the same time I didn't see and ads and a lot of apps which I don't use. Recently wrote an app for delete it from TV, but anyway if don't block Samsung server - it will return any new boot of TV. And yes Netflix and YouTube works :)

And it uses webSocket, like HTTP but so is a bit different :)

Toxblh avatar Nov 23 '20 18:11 Toxblh

@Dunnenj for enable wake-on-lan even over wifi - need to enable the feature in TV. Don't remember where is it. But name of the feature - sound like turn on Mobile remote

UPD: Settings > general > network settings > expert settings > power on with mobile (turn on) and enable IP remote .

That was all set. However no luck.


Dunnenj avatar Nov 23 '20 18:11 Dunnenj

I've made a discovery which might help power off for The Frame.

Looking here I see that they are sending KEY_POWER for 3 seconds to turn it off. Is there a way to set how long the key is pressed for the nodered plugin?

crxporter avatar Nov 23 '20 19:11 crxporter

Got it. Ok well I'll add the long press of buttons.

Toxblh avatar Nov 23 '20 19:11 Toxblh

I've made a discovery which might help power off for The Frame.

Looking here I see that they are sending KEY_POWER for 3 seconds to turn it off. Is there a way to set how long the key is pressed for the nodered plugin?

To my understanding key power is a toggle. So maybe I have luck and by pressing this button for 3 seconds the TV can be turned on.


Dunnenj avatar Nov 23 '20 19:11 Dunnenj

@Dunnenj I'm making some discoveries. Most recently, websocket push updates showing the state of Art Mode.

See #47

crxporter avatar Nov 23 '20 20:11 crxporter

I am on the verge of buying a The Frame (this week). Do you need help with this @Toxblh ? (Should be contributed to mostly likely...)

Indeed for powering OFF the Frame, a "long press" command is needed as is used here:

Here is the delay parsing being performed (split on * in the key):

It's MIT licensed, so feel free to be inspired ;-).

Letrab avatar Nov 30 '20 08:11 Letrab

@Toxblh any timeframe when we might see some long press of buttons? Would be nice to get rid of samsung cloud nodes.

crxporter avatar Jan 03 '21 21:01 crxporter

Hi, I'm also looking for a solution to turn off my Samsung the Frame. Would be great if a solution for this could be implemented!

conderstal avatar Jun 17 '21 15:06 conderstal

I have an issue with the following Nodes on my Samsung the Frame Smart TV (QE55LS03TASXXN):

  • Samsung TV Open APP
  • Samsung TV Get Apps

I use the following inject Node: image

In the Samsung TV Get Apps Node, I did select my television and my output node is as follows: image

However it is not working. I get no debug output.


Did you get the get apps to work ? i have the same no output to the debug

stingone avatar Aug 28 '21 13:08 stingone

Hello, I have the same problem, the nodes to obtain apps or to run apps do not work for me. if the send node works by which I can turn off and on and some other functions. I would like to know if through the send mode or by making the get apps and run apps nodes work, some could open apps. My TV is a Samsung 50AU7000 connected by wifi.

CarlosTortonese avatar Mar 14 '22 00:03 CarlosTortonese

Seems that working with the 'official' samsung nodes does allow me to launch the apps and hide the home button quicker 😉

CaseyRo avatar Aug 21 '22 09:08 CaseyRo


Was the long press feature implemented or is this item still open?

jslits avatar Aug 28 '23 13:08 jslits