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Suggestion: new TownyPermission: Mob-Farming
Please explain your feature request to the best of your abilities: We have a farm option, but our players are asking for a mob-farm option to allow outsiders aswell to kill passive mobs aswell. Players can currently kill hostile mobs in other peoples towns regardless, and understandably not passive mobs, we're asking for a setting on a plot basis, something like /plot set perm outsider mobfarm on - allowing them to kill any regardless.
The way the farm plot is supposed to work, is that players who can destroy in the farm plot, can kill the config's farm_animals in the plot. Try using /plot set perm outsider destroy on
Edit: they will only be able to break the blocks in the /towny farmplotblocks
list while outside destroy is on.
As much as that might resolve some issues, design of the area then becomes limited as a lot of blocks for decoration (leaves, bee hives) are breakable