ED-Warthog-Target-Script copied to clipboard
Elite Dangerous Warthog Target Script (HCS Keys Binding)
Elite Dangerous Warthog Target Script (HCS Keys Binding) 3.3.01b 2018/12/24 : IF YOU USED PREVIOUS VERSION PLEASE READ BELOW
Special thanks go out to Aussiedroid, DarKcyde0, WraithMG11235, Synkc, Solarfly and Farinhir
- [x] Complete
- [ ] Implemented / Need More Test
- All files from Thrustmaster Warthog Script folder need to be in the same folder. The Warthog Script can be run from any location.
- Copy the Elite Dangerous Binds Profile ED+HCS V3.X.XX.XX.3.0.binds from Default Keybinds - Elite Dangerous Folder to:
\Users\<User>\AppData\Local\Frontier Developments\Elite Dangerous\Options\Bindings
- Copy the ED-Warthog-Target-Script_Addon.exe from Send data over TCP to Target Folder to :
\Users\<User>\Saved Games\Frontier Developments\Elite Dangerous\
- Right Click on the exe, Send to and select Desktop create shortcut
Launch the ED-Warthog-Target-Script_Addon.exe
-First Option : With the shortcut previously created
-Second Option : Let the script Start the exe for you -> Edit ED+HCS v3.3.tmc file, find the line below and replace <USER> with your Windows username and Uncomment the line (ex : Replace < USER > with martin and remove the // at the begining)
//system("spawn -w \"C:\\Users\\< USER >\\Saved Games\\Frontier Developments\\Elite Dangerous\" \"C:\\Users\\< USER >\\Saved Games\\Frontier Developments\\Elite Dangerous\\ED-Warthog-Target-Script_Addon.exe\"");
- Just Drag&Drop ED+HCS v3.3.tmc in TARGET Script Editor and Run. (Default script path can also be set in the options). Always make sure the script is running prior to starting Elite Dangerous.
- Most commands can be tested prior to starting the game in Target Script Editor using the Debug Message, Event Tester and Device Analyzer.
- Launch Elite Dangerous, Options, Controls and chose the correct Binds Profile ED+HCS V3.X.XX.XX.3.0.binds
- Play :)
WARNING : If you want to change Bindings keys IN GAME, Make sure to use ENG(UK) Keyboard layout in Wndows. If you did not, your Bindings file will be unusable with the script. (ED change some keys inside the file to the current windows keyboard layout, even if you don't change them)
First, I'm sorry for my English, as it is not my native language. You are Welcome to help me on my English Skill, and, obviously, with my Coding Skill (it is, also, not my native language) ;)
All the Settings are in the Settings File : ED+HCS v3.3_Settings.tmh
The Command's are on the Joystick and Throttle Chart : [S]ShortPress, [L]LongPress, [EL]ExtraLongPress, [S3]Modifier Key on Joystick (Joystick Nosewhell Steering Button)
This Script require you have Check this Files before you start to Fly, so, please, take some minutes to check them.
When you are in game, if, Throttle Switch are misaligned for Landing Gears, Cargo Scoop or Lights, Just toggle the Switch.
The Optimal PIP Mode, make Backup of Previous engaged PIP. By Default it will return to //2 SYS 2 ENG 2 WEP (0) if you don't make change before deploying Hardpoints or Fire after the game launch. I suggest, when you launch the game, to make one change to PIP before deploying hardpoints and another before fire, so the script can backup those value.
Almost ALL Optional Extra (OptimalPIPMode, Stop Fire Retract Hardpoints, Silent Runing OFF on Fire, SuperCruise on Throttle, ....) Can be switched ON/OFF on the Fly, Check Joystick and Throttle Chart's.
- [ ] Support MFD (2), Rudders and T.Flight rudders (NOT TESTED YET)
- [x] HMD / TrackIR Option for Some Function : Head Reset, Pause (TrackIr), Throttle Led Intensity.
- [x] Easy Debug Msg OFF (Debugmode OFF (0) Or ON (1) In Settings File)
- [ ] Supercruise On Throttle when throttle > 99% (Can be switched ON/OFF On The Fly, Disable by default). If you use Hardware Afterburner Detent you need to pass detent to supercruise.
- [x] Game Menu Up on Idle Throttle states. (Off by Default)
- [x] Secure Retract Mode : Automatic Retract of Hardpoint Gear and cargo when engaging Escape Fight Mode, Supercruise, FrameshiftDrive,...
- [x] Dual stage trigger Combined Fire on Triger 1 to allow combined Primary & Secondary fire or for the trigger to be separated to Primary fire only. Can be switched ON/OFF On The Fly
- [x] Support [Toggle] & [Hold] mode for Game Settings : Reverse Throttle, Flight Assist & Silent Runing (Check Settings File : Default is Reverse Throttle [HOLD], Flight Assist [HOLD], Silent Runing [TOGGLE]. If you want to change this : Modify in ED AND in the Settings file xxxGameMode)
- [x] Enhanced Functions Like Game Menu (Set Speed to 0, put silence runing off, PIP to tank then open game menu...when game menu is closed, restore previous PIP Mode...), System jump (target next system in route, Retract hardpoint if needed, Frameshift drive, then in Warp, set speed to 0 (safe next system entrance) ...More advanced functions will come later
- [x] Rotate Joystick Axis to account for center Joystick mounting position (CenterJoystickMount & JoystickAngle)
- [ ] Nvidia Shadowplay and AMD Relive Video Capture and Streaming Support. (By Default, they are Disable)
- [ ] Steam Screenshot Support. (For Normal Screenshot only : Off by Default)
- [ ] Possibility to swap Joystick and Throttle Maping in settings file (for now : SWAP SAME TYPE (Push, Toggle 2 positions, Toggle 3 positions or Hat) ONLY AND ON THE SAME DEVICE)
- [x] Support Toggle & Flashing Throttle LED's
- [x] Support Toggle & Flashing MFD LED's
- [x] Support Toggle & Flashing Throttle & MFD's Backlight
- [x] Easy Led Configuration : You can chose what you want to be assigned for each LED (5) (Check Settings file comments / LED SETTINGS to know more about How To ..)
- [x] Throttle Backlight intensity On The Fly (S3 (Joystick Nosewhell Steering Button) + Friction Control Axis)
- [x] Throttle Backlight Intensity on Idle Throttle states. (Setup In Settings File. Default is Backlight Throttle LED is OFF (ThrottleLEDOnIDLE in settings file))
- [x] Flash briefly the Throttle BackLight for Game Event : Over Heating, Is In Danger, Being Interdicted, Low Fuel (< 25%) and Shield Down : Option (WarningLED) can be Desactived in Settings file, ON by default
- [x] Automatic PIP Mode (Backup & Restrore previous PIP Mode) when Fire, Escape Fight, Game Menu,... Can be switched ON/OFF On The Fly
- [x] PIP Management Joystick Hat Switch offering 12 different presets depending how long you hold down the Hat Button.
- [x] Default PTT Mode (Toggle or Hold). Can be switched On The Fly (S3 (Joystick Nosewhell Steering Button) + Short Press Engine Operate Ign/Norm LEFT)
- [x] Default PTT (Internal or External). Can be switched On The Fly (S3 (Joystick Nosewhell Steering Button) + Long Press Engine Operate Ign/Norm LEFT)
- [ ] Automatic Heat Sink On Silent Runing. Can be switched On The Fly (Extra Long Data Management Switch UP)
- [ ] Automatic Heat Sink when Over Heating ( > 100% ). You can Desactivate this option (HeatSinkOnOverHeat) in Settings file. ON by default
- [x] Automatic Silent Runing Off & On when Fire (if silent runing is up before fire) and for other functions. Can be switched On The Fly (Short Data Management Switch UP)
- [x] 3 Joystick Curve Switchable On The Fly (Slew stick is include in this function) Switch In Game With Throttle FLAPS
- [x] 2 Throttle Curve Switchable On The Fly (normal & precison). Can be switched On & Off On The Fly (S3 (Joystick Nosewhell Steering Button) + Press RED Button on Throttle Arm)
- [x] Enhanced Joystick Curves tailored for Flight Assist Off (Joystick Curve will return to previous state when FAON is release) Option You can also select the tailored curve (FAOffCurve)
- [ ] Enhanced Joystick Curves tailored when Approching Planet (Joystick Curve will return to previous state when you will leave Planet) Option (HasLatLongAssist) can be Desactived in Settings file, ON by default. You can also select the tailored curve (HasLatLongCurve)
- [ ] Support Joystick Axis trimming : memorize the X and Y axis position and calculate the difference to the center of the axis, and then apply it to the X and Y axis (Throttle Coolie Switch [S3]UP to engage, [S3]DOWN to reset : Check Chart) OR Trim Old Way with Offset you can chose in Setting (Trim_INC)(Check Throttle Chart)
- [x] 3 Autopilot Mode : Easy Request and Cancel Docking procedure, Escape Fight and System Jump