Motion-Highcharts-Plugin copied to clipboard
I am having an issue when using this plugin in R Shiny (through `highcharter`). The play / pause buttons are always blank... is this to do with fontawesome update?
Visible in demos, e.g. here: Default overflow option for the main chart container is `hidden`, so it could be changed by CSS with `!import` (like in [this demo](
Explicitly add a `type`-attribute to button, to prevent surrounding forms from being unintentionally triggered by a click on the `play` button. I have a service call on componentDidMount. Up on getting the data, I am trying to set my state which holds highchart information. Here I am able to get...
Histogram series type doesn't work
When i use series.setData playRange.max don't updates.
With `loop: true` and `round: floor`, last value is not shown at all before beginning a new loop