Dan Rosart
Dan Rosart
Development on this repo seems to have tapered off, but I've added that topic to the Torgen/codex-blackboard fork, which I am actively developing.
Torgen#141 did this in my fork, along with callbacks you expect to receive that don't require immediate action, and interaction requests.
If the image takes longer than a second to load, the 1s timeout from scrollHack from adding the element to the page has expired by the time the image loads,...
I assume one (if not the only) problem at startup in particular is the observeChanges call used for the Hubot integration has no filter, so the server has to load...
I think I found your expensive subscription: messages-in-range-to-me. I did a query explain on `messages.find({room_name: 'general/0', timestamp: { $gt: 45}, $or: [ {nick: 'torgen'}, {to: 'torgen'} ]}` and the winning...
If you distribute the common query parameters into the $or, you get a good plan: ```json "stage" : "SUBPLAN", "inputStage" : { "stage" : "FETCH", "inputStage" : { "stage" :...
Tried explain('executionStats') on both versions with some actual data. Possibly because there's some overlap between from someone and to nobody, the defactored version was slightly slower, but it was like...
Note that facts has been split into facts-base and facts-ui so that it doesn't depend on Blaze.
I just tested installing facts-base and facts-ui and re-enabling the userId filter, and it works, so it could be re-enabled.
In this version there's a 'chat' button in the breadcrumbs for each level that has chat. It takes up a lot of space, it's weird when they all just say...