Dot-It-Up copied to clipboard
A collection of dotfile scripts, plugins, and clever hacks so that you can become the master of your own OS! 🚀
Dot It Up 🔥
A collection of dotfile scripts, plugins, and clever hacks so that you can become the master of your own OS!
Table Of Contents
- Popular Dotfiles
- Sane-er Defaults
- KO Key-Strokes
- Handy-Dandy Commands
- Remaps, Baby!
- Avoiding RSI
- Nicer Navigation
- File and Buffer Navigation (but better)
- Text searching
- Get Specific Help
- Super-Cool Plugins
- ColorSchemes
- Better Life, From the Start!
- Plugins That Rock!
Shell (ZSH & Bash)
- Oh-My-ZSH
- Gnarly Plugs, Man
Popular Dotfiles
- holman - @holman does dotfiles
- LukeSmithxyz - My dotfiles (deployed by LARBS)
- mathiasbynens - :wrench: .files, including ~/.macos — sensible hacker defaults for macOS
- lewagon - Default configuration for Le Wagon's students
- jessfraz - My dotfiles. Buyer beware ;)
- cowboy - My Ubuntu / OS X dotfiles.
- amacgregor - Dotfiles repository
- alrra - 💻 macOS / Ubuntu dotfiles
- CoreyMSchafer - My dotfiles and personal preferences
- justone - Dotfiles
- webpro - A curated list of dotfiles resources.
- thoughtbot - A set of vim, zsh, git, and tmux configuration files.
- driesvints - Get started with your own dotfiles.
- TheLocehiliosan - Yet Another Dotfiles Manager
- skwp - YADR - The best vim,git,zsh plugins and the cleanest vimrc you've ever seen
- anishathalye - A tool that bootstraps your dotfiles ⚡️
- theniceboy - My dotfiles
- paulirish - paul's shell, git, etc config files. also homebrew, migration setup. good stuff.
- webpro - Dotfiles for macOS
- awesome-streamers - Dotfiles for various streamers on Twitch.
- dotphiles - A community driven framework of dotfiles.
- fatih - My personal dotfiles
- jessfraz - My .vim dotfiles and configurations.
- freekmurze - My personal dotfiles
- joedicastro - My .dotfiles
- michaeljsmalley - My dotfiles
- freshshell - Keep your dotfiles fresh.
- jaagr - dotfiles for my local setup
- spencerwooo - Dotfiles for all :D
- twpayne - Manage your dotfiles across multiple diverse machines, securely.
- nickjj - Personal dotfiles (Vim, tmux, zsh, etc.)
Some of the settings here may reference a 'leader' key, use:
let mapleader="{Your Key Of Choice}"
Sane-er Defaults
Enables syntax highlighting, why wouldn't you?
syntax on
Shows you line numbers, it's great:
set number
Copy and paste from the system clipboard, and avoid indentation issues:
noremap <leader>y "+y
noremap <leader>p "+p
Makes the backspace key behave like you'd expect, and go through EVERYTHING:
set backspace=indent,eol,start
Makes 1 tab = 4 spaces:
set shiftwidth=4
set tabstop=4
Convert tabs to spaces:
set expandtab
Always try to show 10 lines above and below the cursor location:
set scrolloff=10
Allows you to switch between buffers without saving EVERY TIME:
set hidden
Case insensitive in command-line
set wildignorecase
Change to the correct indention and plugins dependent on the file type
filetype on
filetype indent on
filetype plugin on
" or one line alternative
filetype plugin indent on
KO Key-Strokes
Normal mode
Visually select the entire file:
Search for the word under the cursor (forward):
Search for the word under the cursor (backward):
Re-run the last command-line
Insert mode
Alternative to Esc
Paste the content of register and fix the indent:
" for example: <C-r><C-p>+ (paste clipboard content into vim)
Delete until the beginning of recently added word:
Delete until the beginning of where entering insert mode:
Visual mode
Add/minus number for each matching line:
g<C-a> " add one number
g<C-x> " minus one number
" for example:
" select the number below using Visual block command:
" 0
" 0
" 0
" if we use g<C-a>, then those three line will become:
" 1
" 2
" 3
Handy-Dandy Commands
Reads and inserts the contents of a file at the current line:
:r {your file name}
Reads and inserts the output of a shell command at the current line:
:r! {your shell command, eg: ls}
Find and replace "foo" with "bar" through whole file!
Remaps, Baby!
Move visual selection up and down a line:
vnoremap J :m '>+1<CR>gv=gv
vnoremap K :m '<-2<CR>gv=gv
Quickly re-select either the last pasted or changed text:
noremap gV `[v`]
Run the recorded macro on a range of lines:
" Credit goes to
xnoremap <silen> @ :<C-u>echo "@".getcmdline() | execute ":\'<,\'>normal @" . nr2char(getchar())<CR>
Format a paragraph or visual selection to 80 character lines:
" Taken from:
nnoremap <Leader>g gqap
xnoremap <Leader>g gqa
Avoiding RSI
If you use command mode a lot, swapping the colon and semi-colon keys means 1 less keypress:
nnoremap ; :
nnoremap : ;
Write to and exit the file, behaves like :wq
Exit without saving, behaves like :q!
Run the current line as a command:
:<Ctrl-r> <Ctrl-l>
Nicer Navigation
Allows the cursor to move up and down naturally by display, lines instead of file lines:
nnoremap j gj
nnoremap k gk
Make yanking with capital Y behave like the other capital letters, and yank until the end of the line:
nnoremap Y y$
Press space to go down 10 lines, control + space to go up 10 lines:
noremap <Space> 10j
noremap <C-Space> 10k
" if there's an issue with ctrl-space, you can use <C-@> or <Nul>
" Ref:
noremap <C-@> 10k
File and Buffer Navigation (but better)
Press space twice to switch between your last two buffers, use it all the time for superfast switching:
nnoremap <leader><leader> <c-^>
Switch buffers with Left and Right arrow keys:
nnoremap <left> :bp<cr>
nnoremap <right> :bn<cr>
Text searching
Search for foo throughout file (press n for next, N for previous):
Searching ignores case unless an upper case letter is present in the query:
set ignorecase smartcase
Begin searching while typing, highlighting matches:
set incsearch hlsearch
Press your 'leader' key + enter to clear search highlighting:
nnoremap <silent> <leader><CR> :noh<CR>
Get Specific Help
Description | Prepend | Example |
Normal mode command | (nothing) | :help x |
Visual mode command | v_ | :help v_u |
Insert mode command | i_ | :help i_META |
Command-line command | : | :help :quit |
Option | ' | :help 'textwidth' |
Command-line editing | c | :help c_<BS> |
Vim command argument | - | :help -r |
Search flags | / | :help /\U |
Substitution flags | s/ | :help s/\& |
Super-Cool Plugins
A fuzzy-finder to easily search for files, contents & buffers:
Provides mappings to easily delete, change and add parentheses, brackets, quotes, and tags:
An integrated git experience in vim, that's "so awesome, it should be illegal":
Vim like navigation of file system using buffers.
- vim-colors-solarized - precision colorscheme for the vim text editor
- vim - FlatColor vim colorscheme
- vim-one - Adaptation of one-light and one-dark colorschemes for Vim
- jellybeans.vim - A colorful, dark color scheme for Vim.
- vim-github-colorscheme - A vim colorscheme based on Github's syntax highlighting.
- onedark.vim - A dark Vim/Neovim color scheme inspired by Atom's One Dark syntax theme.
- Apprentice - A dark, low-contrast, Vim colorscheme.
- srcery-vim - Dark colorscheme for gvim and vim
- vim-janah - Vim colorscheme.
- tender.vim - A 24bit colorscheme for Vim, Airline and Lightline
- Alduin - A Vim Colorscheme
- vim-solarized8 - Optimized Solarized colorschemes. Best served with true-color terminals!
- vim-colorscheme-primary - Primary, a Vim color scheme based on Google's colors
- vim-vividchalk - vividchalk.vim: a colorscheme strangely reminiscent of Vibrant Ink for a certain OS X editor
- nvcode-color-schemes.vim - A bunch of generated colorschemes (treesitter supported)
- vim-afterglow - Vim adaptation of the Afterglow colorscheme
- desert.vim - desert colorscheme
- wal.vim - 🎨 A vim colorscheme for use with wal
- Sierra - A Vim Colorscheme
- vim-gruvbox8 - A simplified and optimized Gruvbox colorscheme for Vim
- space-vim-dark - :purple_heart: A dark colorscheme for space-vim, see space-vim-theme for light background support!
- vim-kalisi - The colorscheme with neovim in mind
- candid.vim - A dark colorscheme with vibrant colors
- anderson.vim - Dark vim colorscheme based on colors from Wes Anderson films
- kuroi.vim - A very dark colorscheme for Vim
- landscape.vim - A colorscheme for Vim
- nord-vim - An arctic, north-bluish clean and elegant Vim theme.
- vim-monotone - A dark, monochrome colorscheme for vim
Most of the settings here require a prefix key, use this to set it, or keep it as ctrl+b, it's your life ;)
unbind C-b
set -g prefix {Your Key Of Choice}
Better Life, From the Start!
Tmux Windows start from 1, so no big reaches ;)
set -g base-index 1
Makes keys register instantly, you may notice escape delays in vim without this:
set -s escape-time 0
Prefix+c will open a new tmux session in your current directory:
bind c new-window -c "#{pane_current_path}"
Renumber windows sequentially after closing any of them:
set -g renumber-windows on
Enable mouse, it's sometimes nice for scrolling:
set -g mode-mouse on
Increase scroll-back history, so you can see more:
set -g history-limit 10000
Plugins That Rock!
Installing TPM (Tmux plugin manager):
git clone ~/.tmux/plugins/tpm
A set of tmux options that should be acceptable to everyone. tmux-sensible
Shell (ZSH & Bash)
Gives you more customization over your shell
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Add to zshrc:
Gnarly Plugs, Man
Auto-complete shell commands, it's cool:
Highlight your current command, lets you know what's going on: