Michael Palmos
Michael Palmos
Great work! Regarding collision thickness + box collisions, I never got it fully working, but I have something close: https://gist.github.com/Toqozz/ea6f4414a1298a8b309e5ddb94317d60 It has an issue with nodes "sticking" to the surface...
I'm having some trouble understanding you, but I'll try answer as best I can. > I can calculate direction between particles, but there no other direciton vectors to calculate normals...
*Merged some multi-comments into one to make things more readable.*
Sorry for the late reply. The simulation as per the blog post already has gravity. What part are you struggling with?
I actually do have some basic polygon collision code that was working, but I never ended up optimizing it properly and I don't promise that it's correct. It should be...
Ahh! Sorry about that. I've updated the post to include that function.
Isn't `l2` already squared?
A bit of both. You *have* to use them to use Burst, but also they give much more control over allocations which means you should be able to do better...
> Hi, how to fix the stick constraint of verlet the will not stretch and sag?thank you If you're asking how to make the rope stiffer, the general advice is...
Hmmm. My guess is that Unity has updated their shader in a new version and it no longer works with `DrawMeshInstanced`. What version of Unity are you using? I'll have...