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The extensive list of good Titanium Modules!

Extensive List of Titanium Modules!

This list (should) contain all proper Titanium modules, preferable well documented but at least working and up-to-date. If you find a module doesn't work (anymore) or the list is missing modules, feel free to raise an issue or (even better) submit a PR!

Push Notifications

ios android Name Description
x x Ti.CloudPush Module by appcelerator to receive pushes
- x Ti.Goosh Receiving push notifications on Android
- x GCMPush Titanium Module for Android Push
x x UrbanAirship Urban Airship Integration.
x x PushWoosh PushWoosh Push integration (ios / android releases)
x x ApiOmat ApiOmat Integration (you need an account (free) to access your customized Titanium SDK).
x x OneSignal OneSignal integration for Android & iOS.
x x Countly Count.ly Titanium Analytics, Crash and Messaging Module (ios / android)
x x JPush Titanium JPush Messaging Module

Image handling

ios android Name Description
x x Ti.ImageFactory Resize, crop and more image manipulation
x x av.imageview Using content mode for displaying images
x - com.mfogg.squarecamera Great camera module with Barcode support
- x in.prashant.imagepicker Multi-image select from gallery
- x Ti.VRView VRView

Barcode scanners

ios android Name Description
x x ti.barcode Barcode scanner by Appcelerator
- x Acktie-Mobile-Android-Barcode Fast Android barcode scanner
x - com.mfogg.squarecamera Great camera module with Barcode support


ios android Name Description
x x To.ImageCache Store images locally and define expire time per image


ios android Name Description
x x Ti.GA Google Analytics
x x Countly Count.ly Titanium Analytics, Crash and Messaging Module (ios / android)
x x ti.flurry Flurry (crash)analytics module by Appcelerator

Social Media

ios android Name Description
x - TiSocial Facebook, Twitter and Sina Weibo integrations
x x SocialShare Share with all supported native apps configured in the device
x x Ti.Facebook Facebook module by Appcelerator

HTTP clients

ios android Name Description
x x XHR.js Great and simple way to execute HTTP calls
x x RESTe Another great way to execute HTTP calls and populate collections on the fly
x x net.iamyellow.tiws Native WebSockets
x x Ti.HTTPS HTTPS security module by Appcelerator (Team+ license)
x x ti-firebase Firebase integration for communication with Firebase backend


ios android Name Description
x x Ti.Admob Admob intagration by Appcelerator
- x Ti.AdBuddiz AdBuddiz intagration


ios android Name Description
- x de.marcelpociot.autofocus No auto focus on textfields on Android anymore
x x ti.paint Module by Appcelerator to paint on the window


ios android Name Description
- x ActionbarExtras Manipulating the Android Actionbar
x x NappDrawer Side menu drawer by Viezel
- x Ti.DrawerLayout Android Drawer Menu [obsolete: included in Ti 6.2.0]
x x ti.animation Module for Facebook KeyFrames and AirBnB Lottie Animations.


ios android Name Description
x x ti.loki LokiJS Database


ios android Name Description
- x ti.paypal android Android Module for PayPal
x - ti.paypal ios iOS module for PayPal
x x Card.io Card.io module


ios android Name Description
- x bencoding.alarmmanager Android Alarm manager
x x Securely Security utilities
x - dk.napp.pdf.creator iOS PDF from HTML Generator
x - ti.googlemaps Google Maps module for iOS
- x ti.inappbilling InAppBilling Android
- x Android iBeacon Library Android iBeacon Library
- x MuPDF MuPDF module
