tidal-connect-docker copied to clipboard
docker pull --> no space left on device
Hi Tony, thank you for your awesome work!
I would like to share and issue with you, I had to deal with. I ran into "no space left on device" while pulling docker since default docker path is /var/lib/docker/ and default partion size is too small.
Solution is actually pretty easy:
mkdir /data/docker_storage chmod -R 777 /data/docker_storage
Change /usr/lib/systemd/system/docker.service
ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd -H fd://
ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd -g /data/docker_storage -H fd://
mv /var/lib/docker/* /data/docker_storage/.
reboot hifiberry
check your result:
ps aux | grep -i docker | grep -v grep
and start tidal docker installation again.
I hope this issue is a benefit to some folks.
Take care David
thank you!!
docker/plugin working well with this workaround
Hi! I am not familiar enough with ssh and linux to understand how to perform theses steps:
Change /usr/lib/systemd/system/docker.service from: ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd -H fd:// to: ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd -g /data/docker_storage -H fd://
mv /var/lib/docker/* /data/docker_storage/.
can you provide a bit more details to newbies like me?
change file content:
- connect via ssh to hifiberrry
- vi /usr/lib/systemd/system/docker.service (please google for usage)
- look out for row which needs needs to be chaged "ExecStart ..."
- change it
- save the file.
move files:
- connect via ssh to hifiberrry
- mv /var/lib/docker/* /data/docker_storage/.
That's it actually. Note: mv == shell move command vi is a shell editor
Thanks for the pointers! I was able to figure it out with those extra hints! I also found that managing most of this with WinSCP is a lot easier than using a terminal :)
Hi Tony, thank you for your awesome work!
I would like to share and issue with you, I had to deal with. I ran into "no space left on device" while pulling docker since default docker path is /var/lib/docker/ and default partion size is too small.
Solution is actually pretty easy:
mkdir /data/docker_storage chmod -R 777 /data/docker_storage
Change /usr/lib/systemd/system/docker.service from:
ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd -H fd://
to:ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd -g /data/docker_storage -H fd://
mv /var/lib/docker/* /data/docker_storage/.
reboot hifiberry
check your result:
ps aux | grep -i docker | grep -v grep
and start tidal docker installation again.
I hope this issue is a benefit to some folks.
Take care David
Thanks for sharing this fix David