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How to train an object detection model easy for free

Results 35 object_detection_demo issues
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There is an error when running the openvino_inference_benchmark.py file over the generated Intermediate Representation file (.xml and .bin): line 115, in assert len(net.inputs.keys()) == 1 AssertionError Looking forward to recieving...

hi, thanks for your tutorial ans colab notebook, could u please assist me to get accuracy while training the model, as of now only loss is printing at every 100...

/content/object_detection_demo Successfully converted xml to csv. Generate `data/annotations/label_map.pbtxt` Successfully converted xml to csv. WARNING:tensorflow:From generate_tfrecord.py:134: The name tf.app.run is deprecated. Please use tf.compat.v1.app.run instead. WARNING:tensorflow:From generate_tfrecord.py:107: The name tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter is...

WARNING:tensorflow: The TensorFlow contrib module will not be included in TensorFlow 2.0. For more information, please see: * https://github.com/tensorflow/community/blob/master/rfcs/20180907-contrib-sunset.md * https://github.com/tensorflow/addons * https://github.com/tensorflow/io (for I/O related ops) If you depend...

Please help us to get started with infering in video file or web camera

Hi, I just would like to try the demo, which you were presented, but during training !python /content/models/research/object_detection/model_main.py \ --pipeline_config_path={pipeline_fname} \ --model_dir={model_dir} \ --alsologtostderr \ --num_train_steps={num_steps} \ --num_eval_steps={num_eval_steps} A got...

Processing triggers for man-db (2.8.3-2ubuntu0.1) ... /content/models/research 2020-04-25 12:02:37.429554: I tensorflow/stream_executor/platform/default/dso_loader.cc:44] Successfully opened dynamic library libcudart.so.10.1 Traceback (most recent call last): File "object_detection/builders/model_builder_test.py", line 23, in from object_detection.builders import model_builder...

good day! i found when i test your cord look at the error massege occurred some error in Configuring a Training Pipeline --------------------------------------------------------------------------- AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last) in...

I follows the entire tutorial and was able to generate a model as well. But was not able able to generate the LabelMaps.txt. Can you kindly tell how to do...