interfacetable_v3t icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
interfacetable_v3t copied to clipboard

grapherdisplay option added

Open Tontonitch opened this issue 7 years ago • 0 comments

by debeu (

thanks for the plugin. I added the option grapherdisplay to overwrite the hostdiplay argument in grapher url for pnp4nagios (atm only). Problem is that if you use hostdisplay argument with $hostname$ and you use two services with different options for one host the webpage will overwritte everytime - so you have to use hostdiplay with for example $hostname$- $servicedesc$, but then you grapher url is wrong.

---	2016-08-29 12:30:00.520062822 +0200
+++	2016-08-29 12:57:11.533933707 +0200
@@ -4991,10 +4991,17 @@ sub GenerateInterfaceTableData {
                         $servicename =~ s/[()'"]//g;
                         $servicename =~ s/,/./g;
                         if ($ghOptions{'grapher'} eq  "pnp4nagios") {
-                            $CellContent .= '<a class=\'tips\' ' .
-                                'href="' . $ghOptions{'grapherurl'} . '/index.php/graph?host=' . $ghOptions{'hostdisplay'} . '&srv=' . $servicename . '" ' .
-                                'rel="' . $ghOptions{'grapherurl'} . '/index.php/popup?host=' . $ghOptions{'hostdisplay'} . '&srv=' . $servicename . '">' .
-                                '<img src="../img/chart.png" alt="Trends" /></a>';
+				if ($ghOptions{'grapherdisplay'} eq '') {
+                                    $CellContent .= '<a class=\'tips\' ' .
+                                    'href="' . $ghOptions{'grapherurl'} . '/index.php/graph?host=' . $ghOptions{'hostdisplay'} . '&srv=' . $servicename . '" ' .
+                                    'rel="' . $ghOptions{'grapherurl'} . '/index.php/popup?host=' . $ghOptions{'hostdisplay'} . '&srv=' . $servicename . '">' .
+                                    '<img src="../img/chart.png" alt="Trends" /></a>';
+				} else {
+                                    $CellContent .= '<a class=\'tips\' ' .
+                                    'href="' . $ghOptions{'grapherurl'} . '/index.php/graph?host=' . $ghOptions{'grapherdisplay'} . '&srv=' . $servicename . '" ' .
+                                    'rel="' . $ghOptions{'grapherurl'} . '/index.php/popup?host=' . $ghOptions{'grapherdisplay'} . '&srv=' . $servicename . '">' .
+                                    '<img src="../img/chart.png" alt="Trends" /></a>';
+                                }
                         } elsif ($ghOptions{'grapher'} eq  "nagiosgrapher") {
                             $CellContent .= '<a href="' .
                                 #$ghOptions{'grapherurl'} . '/graphs.cgi?host=' . $ghOptions{'hostdisplay'} . '&srv=' . $servicename . 
@@ -6203,6 +6210,9 @@ sub print_usage () {
     --grapherurl (optional)
         Graphing system url. Default values are:
         Ex: /pnp4nagios
+    --grapherdisplay (optional)
+	Graphing alias for URL
+	Ex: --grapherdisplay HOSTNAME
     --portperfunit (optional)
         In/out traffic in perfdata could be reported in bits (counters) or in bps (calculated value).
         Using bps avoid abnormal load values to be plotted on the graphs.
@@ -6393,6 +6403,7 @@ sub check_options () {
         'perfdataservicedesc=s',                # servicedescription in Nagios/Icinga so that PNP uses the correct name for its files
         'grapher|g=s',                          # graphing system. Can be pnp4nagios, nagiosgrapher, netwaysgrapherv2 or ingraph
         'grapherurl=s',                         # graphing system url. By default, this is adapted for pnp4nagios standard install: /pnp4nagios
+	'grapherdisplay=s',
         #-------- SNMP related ----------#
         'host=s',                               # SNMP host target
         'domain=s',                             # SNMP transport domain
@@ -6491,6 +6502,7 @@ sub check_options () {
         'perfdataservicedesc',      => undef,
         'grapher'                   => "pnp4nagios",
         'grapherurl'                => "/pnp4nagios",
+	'grapherdisplay'	    => '',
         #------- other features ---------#
         'config'                    => '',
         'css'                       => "icinga",             # Used css stylesheet. Can be classic, icinga or nagiosxi.
@@ -6580,6 +6592,9 @@ sub check_options () {
     } else {
         $ghOptions{'hostdisplay'} = "$commandline{hostquery}";
+    if (exists $commandline{grapherdisplay}) {
+       $ghOptions{'grapherdisplay'} = "$commandline{grapherdisplay}";
+    }
     if (exists $commandline{statedir}) {
         $ghOptions{'statedir'} = "$commandline{statedir}";

Tontonitch avatar Aug 20 '17 16:08 Tontonitch