Tonic Artos
Tonic Artos
A header that lives in the left or right section gutter. Gutter headers are always sticky. Note: When implementing, section height is always >= header height.
As a header or footer becomes sticky it will, by default, slowly become elevated. The elevation amount and distance to start the animation should be configurable.
An interface for updating sticky content. Probably a listener interface which gives the view, dy, and percentage of stickiness. A simple use would be to elevate and make translucent the...
An implementation of the FlexboxLayout.
A layout that displays items in a staggered grid.
A section layout manager that lays out items as a grid. Rows are variable in height, and have nested scrolling with intra-row sticky behaviour for items smaller than the row...
Support the scroll indicator. Initially this will be a straight forward traversal of the section graph and layout states to make a naive prediction of the total content length.
The smooth scroll feature of RecyclerView.