Tongsuo copied to clipboard
8.3.-stable分支编译 符号前缀版本(--symbol-prefix) 报错
编译参数为:./config --prefix=/tmp/babassl enable-ntls --symbol-prefix=BABA_
、CentOS Linux release 7.9.2009
、gcc (GCC) 4.8.5
rm -f apps/openssl
${LDCMD:-gcc} -pthread -m64 -Wa,--noexecstack -Wall -O3 --prefix=/tmp/babassl -L. \
-o apps/openssl apps/asn1pars.o apps/ca.o apps/ciphers.o apps/cms.o apps/crl.o apps/crl2p7.o apps/dgst.o apps/dhparam.o apps/dsa.o apps/dsaparam.o apps/ec.o apps/ecparam.o apps/enc.o apps/engine.o apps/errstr.o apps/gendsa.o apps/genpkey.o apps/genrsa.o apps/nseq.o apps/ocsp.o apps/openssl.o apps/passwd.o apps/pkcs12.o apps/pkcs7.o apps/pkcs8.o apps/pkey.o apps/pkeyparam.o apps/pkeyutl.o apps/prime.o apps/rand.o apps/rehash.o apps/req.o apps/rsa.o apps/rsautl.o apps/s_client.o apps/s_server.o apps/s_time.o apps/sess_id.o apps/smime.o apps/speed.o apps/spkac.o apps/srp.o apps/storeutl.o apps/ts.o apps/verify.o apps/version.o apps/x509.o \
apps/libapps.a -lssl -lcrypto -ldl -pthread
./ undefined reference to `x25519_fe51_mul121666'
./ undefined reference to `x25519_fe64_eligible'
./ undefined reference to `Camellia_EncryptBlock_Rounds'
./ undefined reference to `x25519_fe64_sub'
./ undefined reference to `aesni_ccm64_decrypt_blocks'
./ undefined reference to `gcm_gmult_4bit'
./ undefined reference to `gcm_init_clmul'
./ undefined reference to `x25519_fe64_add'
./ undefined reference to `aesni_xts_encrypt'
./ undefined reference to `rsaz_512_mul'
./ undefined reference to `aesni_ctr32_encrypt_blocks'
./ undefined reference to `gcm_init_avx'
./ undefined reference to `gcm_ghash_4bit'
./ undefined reference to `aesni_ccm64_encrypt_blocks'
./ undefined reference to `rsaz_512_mul_scatter4'
./ undefined reference to `bn_mul_mont_gather5'
./ undefined reference to `aesni_cbc_encrypt'
./ undefined reference to `aesni_ecb_encrypt'
./ undefined reference to `rsaz_1024_mul_avx2'
./ undefined reference to `sha1_block_data_order'
./ undefined reference to `vpaes_set_decrypt_key'
./ undefined reference to `gcm_gmult_avx'
./ undefined reference to `aesni_gcm_decrypt'
./ undefined reference to `aesni_gcm_encrypt'
./ undefined reference to `aesni_ocb_decrypt'
./ undefined reference to `bn_gather5'
./ undefined reference to `gcm_ghash_avx'
./ undefined reference to `rsaz_512_mul_gather4'
./ undefined reference to `aesni_ocb_encrypt'
./ undefined reference to `Camellia_DecryptBlock_Rounds'
./ undefined reference to `vpaes_set_encrypt_key'
./ undefined reference to `bn_get_bits5'
./ undefined reference to `rc4_md5_enc'
./ undefined reference to `Camellia_Ekeygen'
./ undefined reference to `bn_scatter5'
./ undefined reference to `rsaz_1024_scatter5_avx2'
./ undefined reference to `bn_mul_mont'
./ undefined reference to `vpaes_encrypt'
./ undefined reference to `OPENSSL_ia32_rdrand_bytes'
./ undefined reference to `gcm_gmult_clmul'
./ undefined reference to `aesni_encrypt'
./ undefined reference to `rsaz_512_scatter4'
./ undefined reference to `aesni_decrypt'
./ undefined reference to `SHA3_squeeze'
./ undefined reference to `whirlpool_block'
./ undefined reference to `gcm_ghash_clmul'
./ undefined reference to `rsaz_1024_gather5_avx2'
./ undefined reference to `xor128_encrypt_n_pad'
./ undefined reference to `rsaz_avx2_eligible'
./ undefined reference to `bn_power5'
./ undefined reference to `aesni_cbc_sha1_enc'
./ undefined reference to `rsaz_512_gather4'
./ undefined reference to `x25519_fe51_sqr'
./ undefined reference to `aesni_multi_cbc_encrypt'
./ undefined reference to `sha256_multi_block'
./ undefined reference to `x25519_fe64_mul'
./ undefined reference to `sha1_multi_block'
./ undefined reference to `bn_from_montgomery'
./ undefined reference to `aesni_cbc_sha256_enc'
./ undefined reference to `rsaz_1024_norm2red_avx2'
./ undefined reference to `xor128_decrypt_n_pad'
./ undefined reference to `aesni_set_encrypt_key'
./ undefined reference to `x25519_fe64_tobytes'
./ undefined reference to `rsaz_512_sqr'
./ undefined reference to `aesni_set_decrypt_key'
./ undefined reference to `rsaz_1024_sqr_avx2'
./ undefined reference to `bn_GF2m_mul_2x2'
./ undefined reference to `vpaes_cbc_encrypt'
./ undefined reference to `SHA3_absorb'
./ undefined reference to `x25519_fe51_mul'
./ undefined reference to `vpaes_decrypt'
./ undefined reference to `rsaz_512_mul_by_one'
./ undefined reference to `rsaz_1024_red2norm_avx2'
./ undefined reference to `x25519_fe64_mul121666'
./ undefined reference to `aesni_xts_decrypt'
./ undefined reference to `x25519_fe64_sqr'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make[1]: *** [apps/openssl] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/test/tools/Tongsuo-8.3.2'
make: *** [all] Error 2