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Random LFO shapes
The feature you'd like A class much like SuperCollider's LFNoise0 (stepped noise) or LFNoise1 (interpolated ramped noise) for adding some natural jitter and randomisation to a signal or control.
Any alternatives you've considered Perhaps this can be achieve currently by creating a DC signal and enveloping with rampTo? Or sample and holding a white noise, and applying a low pass filter to smooth it? I've not ventured down that path quite yet, but I wanted to ask if something existed already, or I've overlooked it.
applying a low pass filter to smooth it?
That's basically what I've been doing. I've been using a combination of a scheduled repeat -> random value -> signal -> low pass filter
to create smooth random movement.
let signal = new Tone.Signal(0.5);
Tone.Transport.scheduleRepeat(time => {
signal.setValueAtTime(Math.random(), time);
}, "16n");
let filter = new Tone.Filter(0.4, "lowpass");
// filter output is now smooth random signal
For a kind of stepped noise, you can remove the LPF.
Here's a CodePen with my most commonly used signal-based modulators.