carpg copied to clipboard
Gui improvements
New windows
- credits screen
- rest - get number dialog
- menu like in neverwinternights (change weapon, pick ammo, action, spells)
- loadbar on world creation
- better end of game screen (instead of messagebox)
- debug overlay
- resize able/movable windows
- reuse gui dialogs
- use texture atlas for all controls
- optimization: don't set texture when there is nothing to draw
- optimization: batch multiple objects, drawing same items (inventory textures)
- some number in pick number dialog, shortcuts (left+1, right-1, up-max, down-min)
- textbox, console - change cursor position, resize
- textbox - width/height/lines limit
- textbox - cache line splits
- gui - cache all calculations, vb
- gui can't handle OnChar event
- panel fadein/fadeout
- standardized button positions (ok/cancel)
- TECH replace old gui focus system
- TECH fix cursor_pos in engine and in gui
- keyboard input and gui overwork, you can press multiple keys in single frame - need rework key input to allow mark keys as gui_down so they can't be used when key_down is needed in game (for example attack after closing dialog)
- some gui rendering can be out of date because Update is not run (GameGui buff images etc)
- what is updated first GUI or game, currently game can steal key press that should go to gui
- better scaling on panels with window size
- unify dates format used in game (journal, world map, stats)
- builtin fallin falloff
- ProgressBar control with cap to 0 (or 1 min pixel), animated interpolation
- cache texts in gui until they require update (inventory, stats etc)
- checkbox - clicking on text should toggle
- GUI_Layer::allow_controls allow_close
- scalable gui
- scaled DrawText, use matrix
Main menu
- continue game button
- allow trade between players
- right click on item shows menu to examine, use, drop (all, one, count)
- holding key shows icon for action (drop 1, drop all, drop count)
- allow to give item for free
- join I_GIVE and I_SHARE
- show some stats (attack, defense, mobility)
- in devmode: show hidden item stats (id, quest_refid)
- icon on items that it's team
- don't stack team and private items
- pick sorting mode
- allow bargain, persuade
- different trade system [my items] [table] [other items]
- open editor for selected item
- selling/buing items - display how much gold you gain/give (count x price)
- open on worldmap
- image near cursor for inventory when holding key (for example ctrl=1, shift=infinity)
- allow to buy items from team member
- different layout - char doll, slots in different place, configurable item icon size 64,128,256
- show some stats at bottom (attack, defense) to allow decide which item is better
- trade like in morrowind, show middle inventory where are item to buy/sell
- stacking of same items (click to show grouped inside)
- throw item to other player to give it
- buing/selling multiple items, show total price
Create character
- button for random character that shows summary and allows change name/sex/reroll
- skills sorting inside group (to allow adding new skills and still heaving them grouped & sorted)
- create character screen rework
- on left tabs - name, (gender, race), apperance, class, history, perks
- can change any thing at any time
- show bonuses by stats when hovering (example: strength: +10 dmg, +50 hp, +4 skills)
- random name generator for player
Game gui
- menu like in neverwinter nights
- units hpbar connected to 3d point
- 3d text above head connected to 3d point
- mp bar
- team members is top left corner going down, show face/name and hp/mp/status, when out of sight
- bar animated interpolation
- buffs fade out
- devmode gui like in minecraft
- devmode gui when looking at unit, open editor
- counter of how much gold you have when paying for something (giving gold to bandits)
- refactor removing speech bubbles
- show progress bar when training skill/attribute
- buff - show remaining time
- alt menu is displayed too fast, it annoys me when alt tabing
- better dialog choice scrollbar (current looks like poor man solution)
- minimal hp bar length
- space - take out/hide weapon, hold to show circle with choices (melee, ranged, [unarmed] etc)
- alt tab, polish letters -> bugs alt menu
- constant red screen when near death
- group add item(s) messages, gold
World map
- add fog of war, remove around team when revealing locations (visible camps when spawn on visited terrain?)
- Hovering location with mouse will show it name and other information.
- Some places have text written on map (like Dungemore Mountains).
- Way points
- Footsteps - small images on map with decreasing alpha value
- Better images of path/party
- Trying to move outside of map - there is nothing interesting out there!
- Island/random world borders
- Location search box - show more then 5 locations with scrollbar
- Player can open map from location and it shows as overlay (like journal). There should be ability to open map and highlight location and route to it (for example: player opens journal and there is quest with text about some location, it is link, when players clicks on it, it will open worldmap and highlight that location).
- Different terrain types that change travel speed (plains, hills, mountains, forest, swamp etc).
- Different team travel speed (on foot, horse, carriage, perks).
- Allow change location image (village burned by orcs).
- Travel change time, hour, not only day. Team takes time to rest.
- Lakes, seas, rivers. For now impassable. Rivers need bridges, also towns on river will act as bridge.
- train move on world map depends on fps
- fixed world_dir
- Roads on map, they change travel speed. This will also require adding same roads inside city and signposts.
- Path finding, allow to turn it off (holding alt).
- Info about shortcuts.
- remove TmpLocation, InsideLocation2 -> InsideLocation
- overloaded inventory and traveling on world map
- 3d world map
- rivers on map
- locations as 3d object
- allow to open worldmap anywhere (but not travel)
- nations, borders
- pathfinding, allow to turn it off (holding alt)
- beach terrain
- world map settings are not saved for clients (zoom)/all (mp box visibility)
- draw tiles ST using batch
Team panel
- right click on unit shows menu (kick, info, set leader, give gold)
- options who can recruit/command npc
- allow to open menu while traveling (need to send free days update message)
- icon tooltips
Stats panel
- skills sorting
- skill/attribute/perk images
- update when something changes
- in specialized perks write it type in perks list [talent (light armor) for example]
- right click on perk for details
- skill/attribute descriptions what it gives
- show progress bar for skills/attributes
- open on worldmap
- details when looking at attack/defense (natural defense, armor, shield, magic items etc)
- at top - show finished/in progress/all quests
- links in quests text, location name - click will open world map
- better reveal - must be between receiving position in MP and sending packets, after open door
- more pixels per tile
- scale able, rotatable
- scaling of units/stairs on map
- mipmaping (there is single pixel visible on borders)
- building icons
- ID_LOBBY_UPDATE(3) is unused ?
- don't send lobby_updates to players that don't have state IN_LOBBY
- GUI:
- in left bottom new chat
- in right bottom options
- in middle there is player character and other characters, there is name in bottom of them and orb (color depends on status, gray - removed, red - no character/creating, yellow-not ready,green-ready)
- players that left and are in save are gray and transparent
- there is some 3d background
- players can reconnect and have their character remembered
- create character have icons to the left what to pick
- new lobby char png in doc
- allow to examine other player character with summary (ID_CHARACTER_INFO)
- summary automatically reloads after change
- right click menu for options (pm, examine, set leader, kick)
- image when player is editing character and message when started / ended with new class
- chat tabs like in smite [system, dialogs, Tomashu]
- emoticons on chat
- alt when using chat shows right menu
- close button
- remember player mp_box status on change level/load
- tabs at top (game, graphics, sound, controls)
- reset options/controls button (are you sure?)
- reset single key settings
- cancel button
- vsync option
- gui alpha option
- tooltip when hovering over options/controls with info
- brightness/gamma scroll bar option
- changing language without restarting game
- select directx adapter
- select sound device (default/speakers/headphones/other)
- EnumAdapterModes for resolutions/refresh rate
- option to stop music/sounds when game is minimalized in fullscreen
Tab control
- reordering
- tab width mode (min(normal), max(all elements have size of widthest), divide)
- keyboard controls
- change tab text
- drag & drop
- context menu FEATURE
Save/Load panel
- allow to delete saves
- autosave - after enter location, after character creation (more then 1)
- more info why save/load failed
- remove slots and allow to have as many saves as needed
Actions panel
- split to actions/animations, allow player to play animation by clicking
- action groups (action, animation, other) that can be minimalized
- search textbox
Book panel
- images
- tags - left, right, center
- bold, cross out, italic