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Misc game changes
Epic for changes that don't fit anywhere.
- spawning corpses with items in dungeons
- iron golems spawn almost never
- same armor for guards / militia (maybe with some logo), currently they have too bad armor in city (padded & hide)
- militia in villages instead of guards (worse equipment)
- guards standing next to gate
- multiple guards patroling city
- random hunters inside forest
- gods (good, neutral, evil for a start), domains, temples, altars
- team combat in arena (2v2, 3v3 etc)
- allow multiple animations of same type (die, pain etc)
- footsteps on snow, mud
- precalculated unit/item/party levels - ai knows what items are trash by comparing item to party level, can add option to sell trash items
- global play time stat
- symbols on city guards armor/shield
- allow to change unit appearance (hair style/color) by using some NPC
- allow multiple units to loot corpse/chest at same time
- named npc teams, allow player to name his team
- saving team shares
- allow players/npc to work as:
- guard
- farmer
- woodcutter
- miner
- merchant
- blacksmiths specialization (one makes best heavy armor, other axes etc)
- dropping items physics (don't put them exactly in same point)
- xar have black shield, the wall is found in other place
- don't reset all stock every day
- interpolate units position/rotation
- better items generator - use min/max price
- object/unit material (used for sound settings)
- hire mercenaries - pay gold per day and at start + % small share
- recruit heroes - pay for hero healing/debt, % normal share
- team resources
- pay bandits using team gold, take from all, not only from leader
- use matrix credit, when two people own money each other, zero it
- better info about getting gold from dividing, from pay credit
- spliting share in inn/base, selling items, buying new/potions, trading items
- what makes a computer opponent feel alive?
- encamp
- size of weapon/shield/bow depends on scale of unit (currently, but do i want them to scale?)
- fast travel to middle of city
- synchronize animation of walking/rotation with speed (for example pressing and releasing W,W,W,W,W), better speeding up/slowing down (use walk animation at first, then run)
- player saved characters that can be used in single/multi player game
- infinite game
- allow units to change groups (from bandits to citizens etc)
- unit flags (can't steal from, can't kill)
- magic glyphs
- base armor per unit type that can be used when mesh is missing
- alert range depends on sound (not const, walls obstruct that range etc)
- npc group scouts
- multiple random texts after dying
- F2_MELEE used by normal units
- animation of moving and standing up after fall
- ability to don't take out shield and use only weapon but still heaving it equipped
- custom bbox for mushroom to allow it to be partially in ground
- speed of news spreading around world
- usable, option if can talk with unit using usable and when (always, at animation point 2,3 etc)
- npc generator like in gta - spawn units using usables
- unk disappear after death
- particle effect when unit have quest item
- open wanted letter in fullscreen, show face
- faster potion using, take out weapon after drinking, allow drink potion after potion and then take out weapon
- inn brawl fist fight
- openable city gates, mechanism
- better gold split with credit, paying credit still get some part from that
- tournament - don't repeat for final fight (X vs Y, starting fight X vs Y)
- rescale alcohol values - contest is always for extra rounds
- attach sounds to scene node, not to unit
- join herodata with unit, anyone can join team etc
- campfire deals damage, avoid by ai
- arrow on hit - update trail particle to final position
- randomized order of spawned objects
- hitting manequins - sound
- drinking contest reward - magic moonshine
- stacking add item msgs
- better message when goblins steal bow
- start version check thread start at loading screen
- drinking contest/tournament reward should be only possible to get in settlement when it was won
- crafting:
- weapons/armor
- allow player to hire NPC
- more potions
- glory everlasting (i don't know what it will be but i like this name, something with angels :) )
- shattering sky (like window) - world end event
- units on paintings looking at player
- using pole to press button
- using rope to use leaver
- hunters guild, quests (wielki łowczy), bad wolf boss