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Ai improvements
- PredictTargetPos depends on dt
- ai avoiding traps
- ai reaction to sounds
- better escape (escape algorithm)
- SeenEnemy for position not for unit
- when giving hero a item he checks entire inventory instead of checking this one item
- don't spawn units on traps
- ai can't handle unit dying outside view, they don't know they killed all enemies and will search for more enemies in nearby rooms
- group of ai threat player team as group (keep info about count, positions, know if everyone is dead)
- better pathfinding, don't walk only by tiles but diagonally too
- guard ai - wander around town (in groups), goes to barracks, to gate, enters towers
- citizen ai - wanders around town, talks to people, trade with merchant, goes to inn to drink
- hero ai - enters inn/townhall, goes to merchant/training grounds, exits town
- ai weapon sets (for example hero keeps fire axe & ice hammer for specialized fights)
- item class (light (mithril shield/armor)) that some ai profiles value (for example modifier x1.2 for value)
- dialogs can cause fighting between two npcs
- ai as team leader
- behavior trees
- use other potions
- ai use chest
- ai picks up items from ground
- complex ai - guard area, throw foreign people from area, attack them if necessary
- ai can take orders from players
- ai reaction speed, different for different unit types (better for bosses)
- better experience gain for ai
- carry multiple weapons and switch them in combat
- ai flags (leave location, remove when team leaves location, talk with hero, remove after time)
- ability to ask any npc about standard questions (what are you doing, who are you)
- bragging after a battle by heroes
- conflict between good and evil characters
- ai battle cry
- ai warns others about traps, about enemies etc
- can ask any npc about some topics (class, surrounding areas)
- order ai to pickup items from dungeon
- AI_Shout should work on units that lie on ground
- different character flags (crazy, greedy, devoted, treacherous, lavish, simple minded, vicious)
- react to player taking out weapon
- picking up items from ground
- cheating on gold divide
- wandering around like in gta (units don't spawn everywhere, but only near players)
- unit profiles (0-100 to use potion, 0-100 brave, etc)
- CanSee working inside buildings, colliding with terrain (use bullet physics)
- ai yield to hide weapon
- heroes move around & respawn like in genjiworlds
- hero gives player/ai team potions when hurt and have no potions
- npc teams generating news, doing quests
- heroes going to shop and talking
- hero preference profiles (warrior can be swordman, axeman, shieled, bower, light(light armor/bow/any weapon), medium=(medium armor/bow/any weapon/shield))
- after entering city ai goes to shop to sell items, buy new etc
- when attitude is low npc will abandon team (can try to stay outside of combat and kill party when they are hurt)
- reuse heroes, meet them in different locations
- heroes characters
- dislike/hates orcs - won't join if orc in party unless persuaded, leave/attack when recruited gorush unless persuaded
- lone wolf 1/2/3 - higher persuade required to join the bigger party size is
- greedy - more gold to recruit, takes more gold from findings
- drunkman - buys alcohol & drinks it all the time
- ai talking about contest/tournament
- ai telling player to wear something if naked
- npc talking about news
- dialogs between npc when they share items
- max steps in FindPath
- when pathfinding don't lead to point try to get as close as possible
- better pathfinding
- better unstuck (phase currently works only for team npc), they shouldn't stuck in first place!
- pathfinding priorities (for heroes higher, for bosses higher too), can less often check for new path
- better auto_talk, unit can spawn on other side of level and find path to nearest player (currently it uses distance)
- better join global and local pathfinding (np idzie od razu do ostatniego celu w lokalnym jeśli się da a nie podcelów, zaokrąglanie)
- limit search in FindPath
- better escape - not just running back - coordinate with group controller where is best place to escape
- ai dodges and blocks bullets
- ai don't move like crazy in combat
- ai move around enemy in combat
- ai keep bow ready to shot until target is in hit range
- better ai movement to placement to shot from bow
- ai allow half power attack, use stamina at same point as player (on release, not start holding)
- ai modes - dexterious - move around, jump back; shielder - block attacks
- ai priority in combat, hate to type (first attack trolls or mages)
- AIGroupController
- when casting spells/shooting take target size in calculations
- using frustum to decide if enemy see player/target
- hearing footsteps etc
- npc heroes using actions
- group ai - some archers should block enemy, others shoot
- archer/mage should try to move to better position where line of sight is blocked
- heroes use actions
- ai, run to alert other npc
- trading between npc
- don't spend all money on single powerful item, currently ai will buy 100k gold item and don't have any gold for armor/potions etc; same thing with team shares
- GetBetterItem allow change weapon/armor type (require hero profiles, otherwise warrior will always use first armor)
- IsBetterItem based on other things then raw damage/defense for weapon/armor
- priorities for buying items (hunter - bow, defender - armor/shield, fighter - weapon etc)
- better team shares (currently bow will be taken by first unit, not by one that needs it's most)
- fair gold split system
- order ai to follow other unit, protect it
- team share npc sells items to npc dialog
- team shares retry to old items
- selling items in city after enter