Robbie copied to clipboard
Artificial Inteligence IoT framework for all purposes
R👁bbie™ is Artificial Inteligence IoT framework for all purposes. Is written in Python and uses Alicebot AIML 2.0. R👁bbie™ needs no screens. Just type or say commands like to normal people in front of you. R👁bbie™ do command, tells you something or does another action depending on his installed modules for sensors and devices. Developers can write own modules and enhance R👁bbie™. Possibilities are endless. From home assistant (primary use), car assistants, airplanes assistants, interactive robots and true
Smart Watches
to clever space ships like in Star Trek in future :)
There is Amazon Echo and Google Home. Where are differencies compare to them?
So. It's simple. Amazon Echo and Google Home are closed systems with own harware and software policies. R👁bbie™ is framework. You can build own UNIX like device with own sensors and parts (for example speaker and microphone) and use R👁bbie™'s code. You can sale this devices as your product if you want. You can create own modules for devices compatibility and share this modules, do edits in R👁bbie™'s code or create own forks and versions. All without policies and bureaucracy.
- Open Source
- Based on Alicebot AIML 2.0
- R👁bbie™ understands your sentences and reacts (Just tell him "Prepare some coffee for me", or "How many people live on Earth"...)
- Text to speech
- Runs on all UNIX devices include MacOS
- Primary used for Intel Edison, but can run on another devices - small or big ones
- Prepared for IoT manufacturers (just connect your sensors and devices using R👁bbie™'s methods)
Internal Web Server and Sound System Update
- Support for, Wolfram Alpha, Wikipedia and other services
- Using of another bots in network (Your home instance of R👁bbie™ can ask for closing of doors in your company for example. There can be closing IoT device for door or just another R👁bbie™ based server managing this IoT device himself.)
- Voice recognization
- Support for sensors and devices using Intel Edison
- Support for sensors and devices using protocols
- Web Admin based on Python's Flask with configurable IP address (public IP can be set), login screen, graphs, console and online modules + wysiwig AIML editor. You can manage and program R👁bbie™ using web admin
- Libraries for main programming languages (One can communicate with R👁bbie™ using mobile phone microphone and text input for example. R👁bbie™ can show informations on display and use mobile phone speaker.)
- Python GUI for desktop platforms based on libraries with nice design
- User profiles with users swithching ("Hello, here is Thomas. Can you do some notes for me?", "Hi Thomas, what do you want to note?")
- Support for localization and for multiple voice rocognization and text to speech libraries
More info about features is in GitHub's issues list.
Setup script will be prepared later
- Install Python 3 first and then:
$ sudo apt-get install python3-pip
$ pip3 install pyaml
$ pip3 install python-dateutil
$ pip3 install requests
$ pip3 install pydub
$ pip3 install wikipedia
$ pip3 install flask
$ apt-get install libav-tools libavcodec-extra-53
$ apt-get install ffmpeg libavcodec-extra-53
- Install Python 3 first and then:
$ pip3 install pyaml
$ pip3 install python-dateutil
$ pip3 install requests
$ pip3 install pydub
$ pip3 install wikipedia
$ pip3 install flask
$ xcode-select --install
$ brew install libav --with-libvorbis --with-sdl --with-theora
$ brew install ffmpeg --with-libvorbis --with-ffplay --with-theora
- CD to R👁bbie™ folder in terminal and then:
$ sh
You can set automatic lauching of this script on restart as well.
- Hit CTRL+C in terminal
Do not close R👁bbie™. He can not respond on you and can not learn when is closed. Let him live on old PC or own Intel Edison board for example.
Help us
Want to help us with this amazing project? Contact us. We like investors as well.
R👁bbie™ is build upon program-y AIML project and GNU LGPL v3.0 license is used.