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Nuggets, goodies, etc. for Visual Studio App Center
Visual Studio App Center Nuggets
Current Nuggets
- Slides from my App Center talk: Have more FUN by automating the lifecycle of your apps with Visual Studio App Center
- MN Enterprise Mobile meetup on 1/18/18
- Twin Cities Code Camp #22 on 4/21/18
- MDC '20 on 5/4/20. Recording: https://youtu.be/Pv_yJUbl_0I
Post clone script for slipping your App Center SDK secret keys (or other API keys) into a file named ApiKeys.cs in your project. No need to check sensitive keys into source control. ApiKeys.cs file included as well. See blog post for more details: https://www.jimbobbennett.io/hiding-api-keys-from-git
Post build script for kicking off UI tests in Test Cloud as part of your App Center builds. Goes hand in hand with this blog post: https://tomsoderling.github.io/AppCenter-Automated-UI-tests-on-build/