TodoTree icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
TodoTree copied to clipboard

The nested todo and note taking app for Android

Results 11 TodoTree issues
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Allow turning off input editing and other functions so that exisiting items are uneditable and can be locked into place.

The app concept is interesting, It reminded me of - Infinilist has a similar concept but is not actively developed. But, the UI is simple and has feature like...

'foucsed' should be 'focused'

I just allowed an update of the app (now version 1.5) and the spacing between items seems to have dramatically increased. This makes my use of the app (a grocery...

idea: if all child nodes are checked, make their parent node check too or set a setting for this, or do this automatically

This commit updates the states for parents and children based on the changed state. Closes #4

Like in Google notes when you enter new line, new point of list appears something like this would be great, because every time click "insert" doesn't seem conveniently.

It would be nice to have a tree that resets every day (or with any other frequency). Ideally I would also like to have an history for that tree, but...

right now if you try to place an object at another place, it's places always below the place you hold-drag-n-drop. I guess it should be calculated: if center of height...