CustomTkinter copied to clipboard
How to add Index with integer and keep right click controls to it
I need information on how to create/Implement an Index number in frame with right click controls.
Like above image when I click on Index numbers, i need to get the option to performance few operations.
Thanks in Advance.
@KarthikBammidi3369 You can use the simple tkinter popup menu like this:
Or here is a modern popup menu you can use:
from customtkinter import *
import sys
class CTkFloatingWindow(CTkToplevel):
On-screen popup window class for customtkinter
Author: Akascape
def __init__(self,
self.master_window = master
self.corner = corner_radius
self.border = border_width
self.hidden = True
# add transparency to suitable platforms
if sys.platform.startswith("win"):
self.after(100, lambda: self.overrideredirect(True))
self.transparent_color = self._apply_appearance_mode(self._fg_color)
self.attributes("-transparentcolor", self.transparent_color)
elif sys.platform.startswith("darwin"):
self.transparent_color = 'systemTransparent'
self.attributes("-transparent", True)
self.attributes("-type", "splash")
self.transparent_color = '#000001'
self.corner = 0
self.frame = CTkFrame(self, bg_color=self.transparent_color, corner_radius=self.corner,
border_width=self.border, **kwargs)
self.frame.pack(expand=True, fill="both")
self.master.bind("<Button-1>", lambda event: self._withdraw(), add="+") # hide menu when clicked outside
self.bind("<Button-1>", lambda event: self._withdraw()) # hide menu when clicked inside
self.master.bind("<Configure>", lambda event: self._withdraw()) # hide menu when master window is changed
self.resizable(width=False, height=False)
def _withdraw(self):
if not self.hidden:
self.hidden = True
def popup(self, x=None, y=None):
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.geometry('+{}+{}'.format(self.x, self.y))
self.hidden = False
main application
def do_popup(event, frame):
""" open the popup menu """
try: frame.popup(event.x_root, event.y_root)
finally: frame.grab_release()
root = CTk()
float_window = CTkFloatingWindow(root) # our popup menu
widget = CTkLabel(root, text="Right Click Here")
widget.pack(padx=20, pady=20)
widget.bind("<Button-3>", lambda event: do_popup(event, float_window)) # right click mouse bind
widget.bind("<Button-2>", lambda event: do_popup(event, float_window)) # mac os right click (optional)
# Add menu buttons in float_window.frame
menu_button = CTkButton(float_window.frame, text="Click Here 1", fg_color="transparent", command=lambda: print("Hello"))
menu_button.pack(expand=True, fill="x", padx=10, pady=(10,0))
menu_button2 = CTkButton(float_window.frame, text="Click Here 2", fg_color="transparent", command=lambda: print("Hello"))
menu_button2.pack(expand=True, fill="x", padx=10, pady=(5,0))
menu_button3 = CTkButton(float_window.frame, text="Click Here 3", fg_color="transparent", command=lambda: print("Hello"))
menu_button3.pack(expand=True, fill="x", padx=10, pady=(5,10))
@Akascape Nice one!
Unfortunately the text color of the buttons does not match the 'Light' appearance mode:
How can it be changed so that it is adjusted to two appearance modes (dark and light)?
@DimaTepliakov Pass text_color=['black', 'white']
in the buttons.
@Akascape Thanks a lot!
@KarthikBammidi3369 You can use the simple tkinter popup menu like this: #1739 (comment)
Or here is a modern popup menu you can use:
from customtkinter import * import sys class CTkFloatingWindow(CTkToplevel): """ On-screen popup window class for customtkinter Author: Akascape """ def __init__(self, master=None, corner_radius=15, border_width=1, **kwargs): super().__init__(takefocus=1) self.focus() self.master_window = master self.corner = corner_radius self.border = border_width self.hidden = True # add transparency to suitable platforms if sys.platform.startswith("win"): self.after(100, lambda: self.overrideredirect(True)) self.transparent_color = self._apply_appearance_mode(self._fg_color) self.attributes("-transparentcolor", self.transparent_color) elif sys.platform.startswith("darwin"): self.overrideredirect(True) self.transparent_color = 'systemTransparent' self.attributes("-transparent", True) else: self.attributes("-type", "splash") self.transparent_color = '#000001' self.corner = 0 self.withdraw() self.frame = CTkFrame(self, bg_color=self.transparent_color, corner_radius=self.corner, border_width=self.border, **kwargs) self.frame.pack(expand=True, fill="both") self.master.bind("<Button-1>", lambda event: self._withdraw(), add="+") # hide menu when clicked outside self.bind("<Button-1>", lambda event: self._withdraw()) # hide menu when clicked inside self.master.bind("<Configure>", lambda event: self._withdraw()) # hide menu when master window is changed self.resizable(width=False, height=False) self.transient(self.master_window) self.update_idletasks() self.withdraw() def _withdraw(self): if not self.hidden: self.withdraw() self.hidden = True def popup(self, x=None, y=None): self.x = x self.y = y self.deiconify() self.focus() self.geometry('+{}+{}'.format(self.x, self.y)) self.hidden = False """ main application """ def do_popup(event, frame): """ open the popup menu """ try: frame.popup(event.x_root, event.y_root) finally: frame.grab_release() root = CTk() float_window = CTkFloatingWindow(root) # our popup menu widget = CTkLabel(root, text="Right Click Here") widget.pack(padx=20, pady=20) widget.bind("<Button-3>", lambda event: do_popup(event, float_window)) # right click mouse bind widget.bind("<Button-2>", lambda event: do_popup(event, float_window)) # mac os right click (optional) # Add menu buttons in float_window.frame menu_button = CTkButton(float_window.frame, text="Click Here 1", fg_color="transparent", command=lambda: print("Hello")) menu_button.pack(expand=True, fill="x", padx=10, pady=(10,0)) menu_button2 = CTkButton(float_window.frame, text="Click Here 2", fg_color="transparent", command=lambda: print("Hello")) menu_button2.pack(expand=True, fill="x", padx=10, pady=(5,0)) menu_button3 = CTkButton(float_window.frame, text="Click Here 3", fg_color="transparent", command=lambda: print("Hello")) menu_button3.pack(expand=True, fill="x", padx=10, pady=(5,10)) root.mainloop()
Thank You @Akascape, I was able to create popup for each Line, but how to pass the Line no to the buttons.
but how to pass the step no to the buttons.
Can you explain in details what exactly you want?
but how to pass the step no to the buttons.
Can you explain in details what exactly you want?
I have a requirement to add steps in between a set of steps, like add step above step 5 or add step below step 5
It's like how we insert row in excel sheet.