itermocil copied to clipboard
Pane-less window malfunctions
The following iTermocil config:
- name: test
root: ~
command: echo 'hello'
results in the following output:
Last login: Tue May 2 13:35:58 on ttys019
e; c; h; o; ; '; h; e; l; l; o; '
<compname>:~ <username>$ e; c; h; o; ; '; h; e; l; l; o; '
-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `;'
<compname>:~ <username>$
It seems I am unable to open a pane-less window.
$ itermocil --version
@AdrianTP Hmm, definitely a bug with the command argument parsing, but for anyone landing on this issue whom may actually have a use case revolving around
- Creating a single new pane-less window
- Running a single command on that window
I would encourage them in the mean time to try one of the following:
- EASIEST: Consider reconfiguring/planning your layout to not use a single pane-less window? I mean, this is a tool for easy multi-window/multi-pane layout management..! Just a joke 😆
- ANNOYING, BUT EFFECTIVE: Command + N / Ctrl + N (to create a new window), then run the desired command by hand. If you're running a single command with an alias this might be faster than using itermocil, actually.
- STYLE POINTS: Use iTerm's support for scripting to make a new window and run a specific command in that window (create the script, alias to it for use in your shell, also probably faster than itermocil)
- HACKY: Or, if you really want to stick with itermocil and NEED to integrate a single pane-less window into your layout... Try this workaround:
- name: test
root: ~
- echo 'hello'
It appears to work flawlessly as the commands argument handles a single item Array just as well as a multi-member Array of commands. That should get you through, cheers!
is release planed anytime soon?
Well I completely forgot I ever had this issue, but I am grateful nonetheless for @jlhall's detailed response. 😄