Yeah, so thats it. MavenLocal is searched first, finds a result so chooses that repository for that module. All other repositories are ignored for trying to find artifacts of that...
Oh, @WasabiThumb have you used pure maven with this same version? Like a project managed by maven bringing in deps of 3.3.1? If you did, and had ```xml org.lwjgl lwjgl...
There is also the issue of overhead on most of these syntactic sugar APIs that extra synthetic accessors and methods that we really don't want to have in the core...
Apart from the much newer jdks, the core library version does not restrict you in what jdk you bundle your game with, so I dont see what that is relevant...
I'm equating your comments on cross compilation to MobiVM , since its very much the same rough procedure as what would need to be done for targeting consoles. Even though...
I can't reproduce this on my device. You are running the stock UITest, what are the exact steps to reproduce? What are you hovering over etc?
Yeah, I can't reproduce this with your steps. I'll try find another device to test on to see if i can it there. Otherwise, hopefully someone else can reproduce and... source code we use is here. You would need to update here, and then bind the additiions/changes via jnigen
Last release for gdx-ai was 1.3.1, so you'd only need to go to 1.3.2.
Yes it is! You can use `./gradlew editor:run` to launch the editor.` If you use build, jars should be located in the editor/build/libs directory.