XcodeTool icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
XcodeTool copied to clipboard

XcodeTool is a command-line utility for iOS and macOS developers


macOS Xcode Swift Version SwiftPM compatible Plaform License MIT

Table of contents

  • What is XcodeTool?
  • Installation
    • Manually
  • Command project
  • Command template
    • Predefined template
      • Create a new component cross-platform
      • Create a command line tool
    • Custom source
      • Create you own source
      • Use a source as a default source
      • List all templates available on default sources
      • Create you own source
  • Command markdown
  • Command simulator

What is XcodeTool?

XcodeTool is a command-line utility for iOS and MacOS developers. It aims to provide a set of tools to facilitate the development of command line tools, iOS and macOS applications.



Open a terminal and excute these commands:

$ git clone https://github.com/TofPlay/XcodeTool 
$ cd XcodeTool
$ swift build -c release 
$ cp -v ./.build/x86_64-apple-macosx10.10/release/XcodeTool  /usr/local/bin/XcodeTool

When you launch XcodeTool on the terminal you should see this screen


Command self


Command project

image image

With this command you can rename a class or a project. Change the git url or rename a git submodule.

Command template


template is a command to create projets base on template projects. You can use predefined templates provide with XcodeTool. You can also create you own sources and your own templates.

Predefined templates

Create a new component cross-platform

This template is base on tutorial: Swift Cross Platform Framework

  1. Create your component with the template ComponentCrossPlatform


XcodeTool will generate this project for you:


  1. Open your first component cross-platform with Xcode


Create a command line tool

  1. To generate your first command line tool project:


XcodeTool will generate this project for you:


  1. Open your first command line tool with Xcode


Custom source

Create you own source

  1. Create a git repository for your sources like https://github.com/JohnDoe/MySources

  2. Generate the json file for a new source

$ XcodeTool template source gen --name=NewSource --url=https://github.com/JohnDoe/MySources/NewSource.json --templates=https://github.com/JohnDoe/NewSourceTemplates --description="All my crazy templates" --author="John Doe"

 ► Source generate json
   ✔︎ json file for the new source saved a /Users/johnDoe/projects/github/MySources/NewSource.json'
 ► done
  1. Commit your NewSource.json on https://github.com/JohnDoe/MySources

  2. Create a git repository for the templates https://github.com/JohnDoe/NewSourceTemplates

  3. Create a json for you new crazy template

$ XcodeTool template gen --name=NewTemplate --url=https://github.com/JohnDoe/NewTemplate.xtemplate.git --description="My new crazy template" --original=NewTemplate --tag=1.0.0 --author-"John Doe"

 ► Template generate json
   ✔︎ json file for the new template saved at '/Users/johnDoe/projects/github/NewSourceTemplates/NewTemplate.json'
 ► done
  1. Generate the json patch file
$ XcodeTool template gen patch --file=XcodeTool.json --generate
  1. Customize your XcodeTool.json by adding or removing aliases and adding items

  2. Commit XcodeTool.json on https://github.com/JohnDoe/NewTemplate.xtemplate.git

  3. Commit your NewTemplate.json on https://github.com/JohnDoe/NewSourceTemplates

  4. Declare your source for XcodeTool

$ XcodeTool template source add https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JohnDoe/MySources/master/NewSource.json

 ► Source add
   ✔︎ source "NewSource" added
 ► done

Use a source as a default source

  1. List installed sources
$ XcodeTool template source ls

Sources available:

  XcodeTool: XcodeTool default templates

  NewSource: All my crazy templates

Default sources: XcodeTool
  1. Declare NewSource as a default source
$ XcodeTool template source default NewSource --add

 ► Source default
   ✔︎ source "NewSource" added has a default source
 ► done
  1. Check default sources
$ XcodeTool template source ls

Sources available:

  XcodeTool: XcodeTool default templates

  NewSource: All my crazy templates

Default sources: XcodeTool, NewSource

List all templates available on default sources

$ XcodeTool template ls

Templates available:

  ComponentCrossPlatform: Swift Cross-Platform framework from the same sources for macOS, iOS, watchOS and tvOS platforms and use them in a project via Carthage. It will be also ready for SwiftPM.

  ScriptKit: Create a command line tool with ScriptKit
  NewTemplate: My new crazy template

ComponentCrossPlatform and ScriptKit come from XcodeTool and NewTemplate from your source

Command markdown


For example to generate the documentation of ScriptKit:


That generate the folder Docs in the project


And on the folder for each swift source we have mardown


Command simulator

Some commands are available for the simlator

$ XcodeTool simulator 

Manipulate Xcode simulators

  --help  current screen

  list        List runtimes and devices
  register    Register devices or runtimes
  unregister  Unregister devices or runtimes
  regenerate  Regenerate all Xcode simulators

You can list runtimes or devices

$ XcodeTool simulator list

List runtimes and devices

  --help  current screen

  runtimes  List runtimes
  devices   List devices
$ XcodeTool simulator list runtimes

 ► List runtimes
   ► Xcode
     ✔︎ found Xcode 10.1
   ► Scanning
     ✔︎ found 13 runtimes
   ► Runtimes
     ⇢ iOS 8.4
     ⇢ iOS 9.3
     ⇢ iOS 10.3
     ⇢ iOS 11.3
     ⇢ iOS 11.4
     ⇢ iOS 12.0
     ⇢ iOS 12.1
     ⇢ tvOS 10.2
     ⇢ tvOS 11.4
     ⇢ tvOS 12.1
     ⇢ watchOS 3.2
     ⇢ watchOS 4.2
     ⇢ watchOS 5.1
 ► done
$ XcodeTool simulator list devices

 ► List devices
   ► Xcode
     ✔︎ found Xcode 10.1
   ► Scanning
     ✔︎ found 39 devices
   ► Devices
     ⇢ iPhone 4s
     ⇢ iPhone 5
     ⇢ iPhone 5s
     ⇢ iPhone 6
     ⇢ iPhone 6 Plus
     ⇢ iPhone 6s
     ⇢ iPhone 6s Plus
     ⇢ iPhone 7
     ⇢ iPhone 7 Plus
     ⇢ iPhone 8
     ⇢ iPhone 8 Plus
     ⇢ iPhone SE
     ⇢ iPhone X
     ⇢ iPhone Xs
     ⇢ iPhone Xs Max
     ⇢ iPhone Xʀ
     ⇢ iPad 2
     ⇢ iPad Retina
     ⇢ iPad Air
     ⇢ iPad Air 2
     ⇢ iPad (5th generation)
     ⇢ iPad Pro (9.7-inch)
     ⇢ iPad Pro (12.9-inch)
     ⇢ iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (2nd generation)
     ⇢ iPad Pro (10.5-inch)
     ⇢ iPad (6th generation)
     ⇢ iPad Pro (11-inch)
     ⇢ iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (3rd generation)
     ⇢ Apple TV
     ⇢ Apple TV 4K
     ⇢ Apple TV 4K (at 1080p)
     ⇢ Apple Watch - 38mm
     ⇢ Apple Watch - 42mm
     ⇢ Apple Watch Series 2 - 38mm
     ⇢ Apple Watch Series 2 - 42mm
     ⇢ Apple Watch Series 3 - 38mm
     ⇢ Apple Watch Series 3 - 42mm
     ⇢ Apple Watch Series 4 - 40mm
     ⇢ Apple Watch Series 4 - 44mm
 ► done

You can register runtimes or devices

$ XcodeTool simulator register 

Register devices or runtimes

  --help  current screen

  runtimes  Register runtimes
  devices   Register devices
$ XcodeTool simulator register runtimes --list="iOS 8.4,iOS 9.3,iOS 10.3"

 ► Register runtimes
   ► Xcode
     ✔︎ found Xcode 10.1
   ► Scanning
     ✔︎ found 39 devices
     ✔︎ found 13 runtimes
   ► Add
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 8.4 - iPhone 4s
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 8.4 - iPhone 5
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 8.4 - iPhone 5s
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 8.4 - iPhone 6
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 8.4 - iPhone 6 Plus
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 8.4 - iPad 2
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 8.4 - iPad Retina
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 8.4 - iPad Air
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 8.4 - iPad Air 2
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 9.3 - iPhone 4s
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 9.3 - iPhone 5
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 9.3 - iPhone 5s
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 9.3 - iPhone 6
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 9.3 - iPhone 6 Plus
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 9.3 - iPhone 6s
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 9.3 - iPhone 6s Plus
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 9.3 - iPhone SE
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 9.3 - iPad 2
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 9.3 - iPad Retina
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 9.3 - iPad Air
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 9.3 - iPad Air 2
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 9.3 - iPad Pro (12.9-inch)
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 10.3 - iPhone 5
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 10.3 - iPhone 5s
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 10.3 - iPhone 6
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 10.3 - iPhone 6 Plus
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 10.3 - iPhone 6s
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 10.3 - iPhone 6s Plus
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 10.3 - iPhone 7
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 10.3 - iPhone 7 Plus
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 10.3 - iPhone SE
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 10.3 - iPad Air
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 10.3 - iPad Air 2
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 10.3 - iPad (5th generation)
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 10.3 - iPad Pro (9.7-inch)
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 10.3 - iPad Pro (12.9-inch)
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 10.3 - iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (2nd generation)
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 10.3 - iPad Pro (10.5-inch)
 ► done
$ XcodeTool simulator register devices --list="iPhone 4s,iPhone 5s,iPhone 6"

 ► Register devices
   ► Xcode
     ✔︎ found Xcode 10.1
   ► Scanning
     ✔︎ found 39 devices
     ✔︎ found 13 runtimes
   ► Add
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 8.4 - iPhone 4s
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 8.4 - iPhone 5s
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 8.4 - iPhone 6
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 9.3 - iPhone 4s
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 9.3 - iPhone 5s
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 9.3 - iPhone 6
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 10.3 - iPhone 5s
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 10.3 - iPhone 6
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 11.3 - iPhone 5s
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 11.3 - iPhone 6
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 11.4 - iPhone 5s
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 11.4 - iPhone 6
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 12.0 - iPhone 5s
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 12.0 - iPhone 6
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 12.1 - iPhone 5s
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 12.1 - iPhone 6
 ► done

You can unregister runtimes or devices

$ XcodeTool simulator unregister 

Unregister devices or runtimes

  --help  current screen

  runtimes  Unregister runtimes
  devices   Unregister devices
$ XcodeTool simulator unregister runtimes --list="iOS 8.4,iOS 9.3,iOS 10.3"

 ► Unregister runtimes
   ► Xcode
     ✔︎ found Xcode 10.1
   ► Scanning
     ✔︎ found 38 devices
   ► Unregister
     ✔︎ iOS 8.4 - iPhone 4s
     ✔︎ iOS 8.4 - iPhone 5
     ✔︎ iOS 8.4 - iPhone 5s
     ✔︎ iOS 8.4 - iPhone 6
     ✔︎ iOS 8.4 - iPhone 6 Plus
     ✔︎ iOS 8.4 - iPad 2
     ✔︎ iOS 8.4 - iPad Retina
     ✔︎ iOS 8.4 - iPad Air
     ✔︎ iOS 8.4 - iPad Air 2
     ✔︎ iOS 9.3 - iPhone 4s
     ✔︎ iOS 9.3 - iPhone 5
     ✔︎ iOS 9.3 - iPhone 5s
     ✔︎ iOS 9.3 - iPhone 6
     ✔︎ iOS 9.3 - iPhone 6 Plus
     ✔︎ iOS 9.3 - iPhone 6s
     ✔︎ iOS 9.3 - iPhone 6s Plus
     ✔︎ iOS 9.3 - iPhone SE
     ✔︎ iOS 9.3 - iPad 2
     ✔︎ iOS 9.3 - iPad Retina
     ✔︎ iOS 9.3 - iPad Air
     ✔︎ iOS 9.3 - iPad Air 2
     ✔︎ iOS 9.3 - iPad Pro (12.9-inch)
     ✔︎ iOS 10.3 - iPhone 5
     ✔︎ iOS 10.3 - iPhone 5s
     ✔︎ iOS 10.3 - iPhone 6
     ✔︎ iOS 10.3 - iPhone 6 Plus
     ✔︎ iOS 10.3 - iPhone 6s
     ✔︎ iOS 10.3 - iPhone 6s Plus
     ✔︎ iOS 10.3 - iPhone 7
     ✔︎ iOS 10.3 - iPhone 7 Plus
     ✔︎ iOS 10.3 - iPhone SE
     ✔︎ iOS 10.3 - iPad Air
     ✔︎ iOS 10.3 - iPad Air 2
     ✔︎ iOS 10.3 - iPad (5th generation)
     ✔︎ iOS 10.3 - iPad Pro (9.7-inch)
     ✔︎ iOS 10.3 - iPad Pro (12.9-inch)
     ✔︎ iOS 10.3 - iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (2nd generation)
     ✔︎ iOS 10.3 - iPad Pro (10.5-inch)
 ► done
$ XcodeTool simulator unregister devices --list="iPhone 4s,iPhone 5s,iPhone 6"

 ► Unregister devices
   ► Xcode
     ✔︎ found Xcode 10.1
   ► Scanning
     ✔︎ found 16 devices
   ► Unregister
     ✔︎ iOS 8.4 - iPhone 4s
     ✔︎ iOS 8.4 - iPhone 5s
     ✔︎ iOS 8.4 - iPhone 6
     ✔︎ iOS 9.3 - iPhone 4s
     ✔︎ iOS 9.3 - iPhone 5s
     ✔︎ iOS 9.3 - iPhone 6
     ✔︎ iOS 10.3 - iPhone 5s
     ✔︎ iOS 10.3 - iPhone 6
     ✔︎ iOS 11.3 - iPhone 5s
     ✔︎ iOS 11.3 - iPhone 6
     ✔︎ iOS 11.4 - iPhone 5s
     ✔︎ iOS 11.4 - iPhone 6
     ✔︎ iOS 12.0 - iPhone 5s
     ✔︎ iOS 12.0 - iPhone 6
     ✔︎ iOS 12.1 - iPhone 5s
     ✔︎ iOS 12.1 - iPhone 6
 ► done

This command will regenerate all simulators

$ XcodeTool simulator regenerate

 ► Regenerate all simulators
   ► Xcode
     ✔︎ found Xcode 10.1
   ► Scanning
     ✔︎ found 39 devices
     ✔︎ found 13 runtimes
     ✔︎ no simulators
   ► Create new simulators
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 8.4 - iPhone 4s
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 8.4 - iPhone 5
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 8.4 - iPhone 5s
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 8.4 - iPhone 6
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 8.4 - iPhone 6 Plus
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 8.4 - iPad 2
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 8.4 - iPad Retina
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 8.4 - iPad Air
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 8.4 - iPad Air 2
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 9.3 - iPhone 4s
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 9.3 - iPhone 5
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 9.3 - iPhone 5s
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 9.3 - iPhone 6
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 9.3 - iPhone 6 Plus
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 9.3 - iPhone 6s
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 9.3 - iPhone 6s Plus
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 9.3 - iPhone SE
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 9.3 - iPad 2
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 9.3 - iPad Retina
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 9.3 - iPad Air
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 9.3 - iPad Air 2
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 9.3 - iPad Pro (12.9-inch)
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 10.3 - iPhone 5
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 10.3 - iPhone 5s
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 10.3 - iPhone 6
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 10.3 - iPhone 6 Plus
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 10.3 - iPhone 6s
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 10.3 - iPhone 6s Plus
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 10.3 - iPhone 7
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 10.3 - iPhone 7 Plus
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 10.3 - iPhone SE
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 10.3 - iPad Air
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 10.3 - iPad Air 2
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 10.3 - iPad (5th generation)
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 10.3 - iPad Pro (9.7-inch)
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 10.3 - iPad Pro (12.9-inch)
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 10.3 - iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (2nd generation)
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 10.3 - iPad Pro (10.5-inch)
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 11.3 - iPhone 5s
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 11.3 - iPhone 6
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 11.3 - iPhone 6 Plus
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 11.3 - iPhone 6s
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 11.3 - iPhone 6s Plus
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 11.3 - iPhone 7
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 11.3 - iPhone 7 Plus
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 11.3 - iPhone 8
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 11.3 - iPhone 8 Plus
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 11.3 - iPhone SE
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 11.3 - iPhone X
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 11.3 - iPad Air
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 11.3 - iPad Air 2
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 11.3 - iPad (5th generation)
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 11.3 - iPad Pro (9.7-inch)
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 11.3 - iPad Pro (12.9-inch)
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 11.3 - iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (2nd generation)
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 11.3 - iPad Pro (10.5-inch)
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 11.3 - iPad (6th generation)
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 11.4 - iPhone 5s
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 11.4 - iPhone 6
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 11.4 - iPhone 6 Plus
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 11.4 - iPhone 6s
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 11.4 - iPhone 6s Plus
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 11.4 - iPhone 7
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 11.4 - iPhone 7 Plus
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 11.4 - iPhone 8
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 11.4 - iPhone 8 Plus
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 11.4 - iPhone SE
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 11.4 - iPhone X
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 11.4 - iPad Air
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 11.4 - iPad Air 2
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 11.4 - iPad (5th generation)
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 11.4 - iPad Pro (9.7-inch)
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 11.4 - iPad Pro (12.9-inch)
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 11.4 - iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (2nd generation)
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 11.4 - iPad Pro (10.5-inch)
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 11.4 - iPad (6th generation)
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 12.0 - iPhone 5s
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 12.0 - iPhone 6
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 12.0 - iPhone 6 Plus
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 12.0 - iPhone 6s
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 12.0 - iPhone 6s Plus
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 12.0 - iPhone 7
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 12.0 - iPhone 7 Plus
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 12.0 - iPhone 8
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 12.0 - iPhone 8 Plus
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 12.0 - iPhone SE
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 12.0 - iPhone X
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 12.0 - iPhone Xs
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 12.0 - iPhone Xs Max
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 12.0 - iPhone Xʀ
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 12.0 - iPad Air
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 12.0 - iPad Air 2
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 12.0 - iPad (5th generation)
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 12.0 - iPad Pro (9.7-inch)
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 12.0 - iPad Pro (12.9-inch)
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 12.0 - iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (2nd generation)
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 12.0 - iPad Pro (10.5-inch)
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 12.0 - iPad (6th generation)
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 12.0 - iPad Pro (11-inch)
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 12.0 - iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (3rd generation)
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 12.1 - iPhone 5s
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 12.1 - iPhone 6
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 12.1 - iPhone 6 Plus
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 12.1 - iPhone 6s
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 12.1 - iPhone 6s Plus
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 12.1 - iPhone 7
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 12.1 - iPhone 7 Plus
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 12.1 - iPhone 8
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 12.1 - iPhone 8 Plus
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 12.1 - iPhone SE
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 12.1 - iPhone X
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 12.1 - iPhone Xs
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 12.1 - iPhone Xs Max
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 12.1 - iPhone Xʀ
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 12.1 - iPad Air
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 12.1 - iPad Air 2
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 12.1 - iPad (5th generation)
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 12.1 - iPad Pro (9.7-inch)
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 12.1 - iPad Pro (12.9-inch)
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 12.1 - iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (2nd generation)
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 12.1 - iPad Pro (10.5-inch)
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 12.1 - iPad (6th generation)
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 12.1 - iPad Pro (11-inch)
     ✔︎ create simulator: iOS 12.1 - iPad Pro (12.9-inch) (3rd generation)
     ✔︎ create simulator: tvOS 10.2 - Apple TV
     ✔︎ create simulator: tvOS 11.4 - Apple TV
     ✔︎ create simulator: tvOS 11.4 - Apple TV 4K
     ✔︎ create simulator: tvOS 11.4 - Apple TV 4K (at 1080p)
     ✔︎ create simulator: tvOS 12.1 - Apple TV
     ✔︎ create simulator: tvOS 12.1 - Apple TV 4K
     ✔︎ create simulator: tvOS 12.1 - Apple TV 4K (at 1080p)
     ✔︎ create simulator: watchOS 3.2 - Apple Watch - 38mm
     ✔︎ create simulator: watchOS 3.2 - Apple Watch - 42mm
     ✔︎ create simulator: watchOS 3.2 - Apple Watch Series 2 - 38mm
     ✔︎ create simulator: watchOS 3.2 - Apple Watch Series 2 - 42mm
     ✔︎ create simulator: watchOS 4.2 - Apple Watch - 38mm
     ✔︎ create simulator: watchOS 4.2 - Apple Watch - 42mm
     ✔︎ create simulator: watchOS 4.2 - Apple Watch Series 2 - 38mm
     ✔︎ create simulator: watchOS 4.2 - Apple Watch Series 2 - 42mm
     ✔︎ create simulator: watchOS 4.2 - Apple Watch Series 3 - 38mm
     ✔︎ create simulator: watchOS 4.2 - Apple Watch Series 3 - 42mm
     ✔︎ create simulator: watchOS 4.2 - Apple Watch Series 4 - 40mm
     ✔︎ create simulator: watchOS 4.2 - Apple Watch Series 4 - 44mm
     ✔︎ create simulator: watchOS 5.1 - Apple Watch Series 2 - 38mm
     ✔︎ create simulator: watchOS 5.1 - Apple Watch Series 2 - 42mm
     ✔︎ create simulator: watchOS 5.1 - Apple Watch Series 3 - 38mm
     ✔︎ create simulator: watchOS 5.1 - Apple Watch Series 3 - 42mm
     ✔︎ create simulator: watchOS 5.1 - Apple Watch Series 4 - 40mm
     ✔︎ create simulator: watchOS 5.1 - Apple Watch Series 4 - 44mm
 ► done

For example on iOS project you will see
