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Tutorial to create cross platform framework for Swift compatible with Carthage and SwiftPM

Swift Cross Platform Framework

swift cross platform framework

Table of contents

  • Introduction
  • Use XcodeTool
  • Create an empty project
  • Add targets
    • Target iOS
    • Target watchOS
    • Target tvOS
    • Target macOS
  • Add "Sources" folder
  • Rename "info.plist"
    • Info.plist for iOS
    • Info.plist for watchOS
    • Info.plist for tvOS
    • Info.plist for macOS
  • Move all plist on "Sources" folder
  • Update "Build Settings"
    • Set the product name
    • Apply Product Name for all targets
  • Update packaging
    • For iOS target
    • For watchOS target
    • For tvOS target
    • For macOS target
  • One header file for all targets
    • Change header file
    • Move header file to "Sources"
    • Update project
  • Add class for all platforms
  • Configure targets for Carthage
  • Configure project for SwiftPM


The purpose of this tutorial is to create a Swift Cross-Platform framework from the same sources for macOS, iOS, watchOS and tvOS platforms and use them in a project via Carthage. It will be also ready for SwiftPM.

Use XcodeTool

You can follow this tutorial or just use XcodeTool and look at the section: Create a new component cross-platform

Create an empty project

  1. Open Xcode
  2. Select Create a new Xcode project


  1. Select Cross platform
  2. Click on Empty
  3. Click on Next


  1. Enter the project name (for this tutorial we use Template)
  2. Click on Next


You should have this screen image

Add targets

We must add a target for each platform

Target iOS

  1. On the section PROJECT click on (+)


  1. Select iOS
  2. Select Cocoa Touch Framework
  3. Click Next


  1. Enter the project name Template iOS (replace Template by your framework name). Don't forget iOS it's important!
  2. Click on Next


You should have this screen image

Target watchOS

  1. On the section PROJECT click on (+)


  1. Select watchOS
  2. Select Watch Framework
  3. Click Next


  1. Enter the project name Template watchOS (replace Template by your framework name). Don't forget watchOS it's important!
  2. Click on Next


You should have this screen image

Target tvOS

  1. On the section PROJECT click on (+)


  1. Select tvOS
  2. Select TV Framework
  3. Click Next


  1. Enter the project name Template tvOS (replace Template by your framework name). Don't forget tvOS it's important!
  2. Click on Next


You should have this screen image

Target macOS

  1. On the section PROJECT click on (+)


  1. Select macOS
  2. Select Cocoa Framework
  3. Click Next


  1. Enter the project name Template macOS (replace Template by your framework name). Don't forget macOS it's important!
  2. Click on Next


You should have this screen image

Add "Sources" folder

  1. Rigth click on Template and select Add Files to Template
  2. Click on New Folder
  3. Enter Sources and click on Create and Add


Rename "info.plist"

Info.plist for iOS

  1. Open folder Template iOS
  2. Rename info.plist to info-iOS.plist


Info.plist for watchOS

  1. Open folder Template watchOS
  2. Rename info.plist to info-watchOS.plist


Info.plist for tvOS

  1. Open folder Template tvOS
  2. Rename info.plist to info-tvOS.plist


Info.plist for macOS

  1. Open folder Template macOS
  2. Rename info.plist to info-macOS.plist


Move all plist on "Sources" folder

Select all on the folder


And move them to the "Sources" folder


On the project remove plists


Rigth click on the Sources folder and click on Add Files to "Template"...


Select all plist and click on Add. Be careful don't check a target.


Update "Build Settings"

Set the product name

  1. On section PROJECT select Template
  2. Selection section Build Settings
  3. In search enter product name
  4. For the property Product Name enter $(PROJECT_NAME)


Apply Product Name for all targets

  1. Select all targets
  2. Click on Product Name
  3. Click on key Delete. All targets will have the product name Template.


Update packaging

For iOS target

  1. Select Template iOS target
  2. Set property info.plist File to Sources/info-iOS.plist
  3. Set property Product Bundle Identifier to com.<your company>.$(PROJECT_NAME)


For watchOS target

  1. Select Template watchOS target
  2. Set property info.plist File to Sources/info-watchOS.plist
  3. Set property Product Bundle Identifier to com.<your company>.$(PROJECT_NAME)


For tvOS target

  1. Select Template tvOS target
  2. Set property info.plist File to Sources/info-tvOS.plist
  3. Set property Product Bundle Identifier to com.<your company>.$(PROJECT_NAME)


For macOS target

  1. Select Template macOS target
  2. Set property info.plist File to Sources/info-macOS.plist
  3. Set property Product Bundle Identifier to com.<your company>.$(PROJECT_NAME)


One header file for all targets

Change header file

  1. Select Template iOS.h
  2. Change #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> by #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
  3. Remove iOS


Move header file to "Sources"

  1. Open Finder and Rename Template iOS.h to Template.h
  2. Move Template.h to folder Sources
  3. Remove folders Template iOS, Template macOS, Template tvOS and Template watchOS




Update project

  1. Remove folders Template iOS, Template macOS, Template tvOS and Template watchOS
  2. Add Template.h in Sources folder
  3. Select Template.h
  4. In Target Membership check Template iOS, Template watchOS, Template tvOS and Template macOS
  5. For each target select Public




Add class for all platforms

  1. Click on Sources
  2. Click on New File...


  1. Select macOS
  2. Select Swift File
  3. Click Next button


  1. Enter the name of your class
  2. Select all targets
  3. Click Create button


Your first class cross platform: image

Configure targets for Carthage

  1. Click on Template iOS option Manage Schemes...
  2. For all targets check Shared



Configure project for SwiftPM

  1. Select the project Template
  2. Rigth click and select New File...


  1. Select macOS
  2. Select Swift File
  3. Click Next button


  1. Enter Package
  2. Uncheck all targets
  3. Click on Create button
  4. On the Package.swift enter:
// swift-tools-version:4.0
// The swift-tools-version declares the minimum version of Swift required to build this package.
import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
    name: "Template",
    products: [
        // Products define the executables and libraries produced by a package, and make them visible to other packages.
            name: "Template",
            targets: ["Template"]),
    dependencies: [
        // Dependencies declare other packages that this package depends on.
        // .package(url: /* package url */, from: "1.0.0"),
    targets: [
        // Targets are the basic building blocks of a package. A target can define a module or a test suite.
        // Targets can depend on other targets in this package, and on products in packages which this package depends on.
            name: "Template",
            dependencies: [])

